aegroup@tekigm.UUCP (Dennis Ward) (11/20/85)
>From: wrd@tekigm2.UUCP (Bill Dippert)
Newsgroups: net.railroad
Subject: HO Track Manufacturers
Message-ID: <121@tekigm2.UUCP>
Date: 7 Aug 85 16:54:52 GMT
Date-Received: 14 Nov 85 03:06:56 GMT
Organization: Tektronix, Beaverton OR
Lines: 23
You might try Rail Craft. They have flex track available in HO from code 40 to code 100. They also have HOn3 available from code 40 to code 70. (40, 55, 70, 83, 100). They have some S and O scale and I believe N scale also. Personally
I prefer to handlay all track and use scratchbuilt turnouts to minimize cost
and improve appearances, but you need either (a) skills or (b) good friends to
help. Some early Shinohara had gage problems, current production is probably
ok, use a NMRA standards gage to check. (Generally available at larger hobby
shops or thru the National Model Railroad Assoc.) I have never been in Chan's
altho saw it from a cable car once. There are several good large hobby shops
in the bay area. The best that I am aware of is Franciscan Hobbies, 1935 Ocean
Avenue (415-584-3919). I think that it is on either the J or K line of Muni.
Bill's Train Station, 2045 Woodward R. (408-377-7734) might be good, but most
of the other stores in SF are toy stores, not true hobby shops.
You might also want to try The Crossing Gate in Oakland, 6468 Moraga Ave.
(415-482-3455) or The Engine House in Sunnyvale, 672 Alberta Ave.
(408-245-0609). I remember several other good ones, but do not know which
suburb they were in and they do not advertise in MR (which is where I copied
the addresses and phone #s). It has been several years since I have been down
there and some may not be in business anymore.
Bill Dippert
(Tektronix, Inc.
P.O. Box 3500
Vancouver, WA 98668-3500)