[net.railroad] Maerklin Model-Trains

#d1r%ddathd21.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (12/11/85)

Stephan Preis                          Phone: 0049-6151-16-3939
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt               (Working hours, only)
Hochschulrechenzentrum/Beratung AB
Petersenstrasse 30                     Node name of our Site: DDATHD21
6100 Darmstadt                         My Userid:             #d1r
WEST GERMANY                            Beware of the number sign -
                                        it's part of my userid.

                                       (imagine you have ASA-Control-sequences)
 My father is owner of a Marklin H0 and a Marklin I model-railway
+                         "                "
 and I like playing with the models, too.
 I've to make some remarks on the model-railway discussion:

 Marklin has three different model-sizes:
+ "

                        I                 H0                Z

 Tracksize in mm        45                 16.5              6.5
 Power-supply          16 VAC             16 VAC            8 VDC
 Model-size            1:32             1:87(1:100)         1:220

 The H0-size-trains get their voltage by a third "rail", which is no
 real rail, but a center dot line. The tracks are available in two
 qualities: plastic-tracks and metal-tracks.
 The plastic tracks are more expensive and they are more like
 the original. The center dots are naerly invisible.
 Metal-tracks are cheaper and ugly.
 Both qualities support various track figures. You can make
 an 8 or a turn without getting a short circuit.
 The center dots are cleaned by any skid passing the track.
 Every skid contacts many of the center dots, so that the
 contact is very save.

 Changing the direction requires a 25 V pulse to the engines.
 This is very usefull in many cases.

 Some long railroad cars are shortend (1:100) because
 of the small radii.

 I agree with Juergen A. Reimann that ROCO-models are looking
 more natural. Some ROCO-model-engines - they are manufactured in
 Austria - are available in a Marklin-compatible version.
 The cars from ROCO can be used in Marklin trains without changes
 (at least the cars we use).

 We build up our Track-size "I" tracks in summer in the garden.
 This must be done very carefully, because the trains are running
 off the rails, if the tracks are not relocated correct.
 Other track-size "I" systems are not so sensitive in this point,
 but I think in "I" Marklins models are the best in naturalness.
+                    "

 In track-size "Z" I have no experience. I know the models from
 catalog only.

                         --- Stephan Preis

 My address from ARPA-net is:
