[comp.sys.mac.comm] Use Network Software Installer on IIfx

huff@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu (Edward J. Huff) (06/25/91)

Thanks to kateley@apple.com (Jim Kateley) for pointing out the
"Network Software Installer" disk that came with the IIfx.

When we received two IIfx's and ethernet cards, I didn't read
all of the "open me first" package.  Instead, I used the 6.0.7 
installer to create a system disk with the ethertalk installer 
software that came from with the ethernet card.  This was NOT 
the correct way to install ethernet software on a IIfx.  The 
ethernet card documentation did not mention the network software 
installer disk, but then how could it, since it was produced 
before the IIfx came out.

Anyway, I looked at the Ethertalk installer script with ResEdit,
and yes indeed, it does take the .ENET resource from the
system file on the network software installer disk rather than
from the ethertalk installer disk.  Presumably, this is version
2.0.2 of the ethertalk driver.  There is no version number in
the DRVR resource that I could see.

Tech note #271 should be revised to point out that version 2.0.2
of the ethertalk driver ships with the IIfx, and if you use
the Network Software Installer, you get it automatically.

I am about to run the installer. I expect that at least, 
I will be able to switch between appletalk and ethertalk 
without crashing with a bus error (address = where
the SCC chip would be if the I/O processor wasn't using it).
This error is obviously due to IIfx hardware differences.

I hope that other problems we had might also go away, e.g. (1)
retrospect SCSI init didn't work when using compare over network,
this was fixed by removing the retrospect SCSI init, with the
consequence that the backup Mac freezes for long periods while
the tape drive is busy.  And (2) if you try to copy something from
public folder on the backup mac during a backup, the backup mac
often crashes in retrospect.