[comp.sys.mac.games] SSG contact

sharp@ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Maurice Sharp) (05/02/90)


     I have had a couple of email requests for a way to contact SSG.
I have replied, but I thought I would also post the information here.
In my experience, SSG has been excellent in both games and people.
So without further adue ....

	Manager is John Gleason
	Strategic Studies Group
	1747 Orleans Court
	Walnut Creek


     I do not have the Australia number and address handy.  SSG is
based there, the US office is just that, an office.


Maurice Sharp MSc. Student
University of Calgary Computer Science Department
2500 University Drive N.W.	      sharp@ksi.cpsc.UCalgary.CA
Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4	      ...!alberta!calgary!sharp

ksand@appleoz.oz.au (Kent Sandvik) (05/07/90)

sharp@ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Maurice Sharp) writes in article <1990May2.164829.21535@calgary.uucp>:

:         I do not have the Australia number and address handy.  SSG is
:    based there, the US office is just that, an office.

You could send email to:


if you want to reach SSG.  I don't think they mind if you send them fan
mail, or even bug reports.... 

I could give you the Oz phone number, but I think it would cost too much
to chat with those boys over the phone from US. 

Kent Sandvik            --  Apple Australia Developer Tech Support
{uunet,mcvax}!munnari!appleoz.oz!ksand, ksand@appleoz.oz.au (OR ksand@apple.com)
AppleLink: AUSTAUX             Disclaimer: "Apple does not sell my opinions"
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