[comp.sys.mac.games] Don't buy Citadel...

hobond@sun.udel.edu (Ho B Wong) (06/10/90)

DON'T BUY CITADEL, because I cannot stand all those bugs in this game.

Here is my reason.  I spend hours playing this buggy game, and got
my characters up to level 7 down in the dungeon level 9.  I have at 
least three files saved just in case the game crash on me (this happens
alot).  And this weekend, my characters are ready to go back to the
town; however, the elevator is GONE!!!  The elevator is very important
in this game, it helps you to go up and down levels.  Since the elevator
disappeared, I don't know how to go back up.   Another thing is that
my saved files all have the same problem..... If I go back to my last
file, it means at least 20 hours of my playing time will be wasted.
	Well, I got very mad, and almost have a heart attack from it
(not really, but close), so I want to post this message to whoever is
interested in buying this game.  Don't.....I think that you should 
wait until postcraft inc. fixes all the bugs in this game first.
