[comp.sys.mac.games] Init to fix Continuum

so@grad11.cs.duke.edu (Steve Owen) (08/17/90)

In article <8471@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU> tn505981@longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU (Todd Nathan) writes:
>I have been playing Cont. for about a month (the newest version) with 30
>plus inits going and having absolutely no problems or crashes.  I have a
>II cx.  Do you have a II ci or II fx?  What gives.

This was in response to a request I made for an Init to fix Continuum
1.03.  Let me be a bit more specific.  I have a Mac + with 2.5 MB
running System 6.0.5 under Multifinder.  I have lots of inits and the
ram cache turned on.  When I start Continuum, I get a message that
Continuum can't run with lots of inits or the ram cache on.  It also
says it won't work with System 6.0, but I think 6.0.5 is ok.  There
are 2 options: I can quit or I can click on a button that says I have
reserved the area of high memory it needs (this is what I need the
init for).  I clicked this button (the worst it can do is crash), but
it came back with a repeat of the message described above.  Seems it
wasn't fooled.  If I turn off all inits, the ram cache, and
multifinder, Continuum works.  I haven't tried other combinations, but
I would like to run it with everything turned on!  It could be that
the different architecture of a Mac II ** is the reason Todd hasn't
had this problem, but I'm not a guru.  Anyway, to make a short story
long, Continuum says that there does exist an init that will avoid the
memory conflict.  If anyone has it or can tell me where to get it,
please email to so@cs.duke.edu.


                              Steve Owen
ARPA:	so@cs.duke.edu			Department of Computer Science
CSNET:	so@duke				Duke University
UUCP:	{mcnc,decvax}!duke!so		Durham, NC 27706 USA
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