[comp.sys.mac.games] Project STORM

jmunkki@hila.hut.fi (Juri Munkki) (08/23/90)


	P R O J E C T
		  S T O R M

Project Storm is a video game that I started writing on my own. Now
that a very large part of the game has been coded and designed, I find
that I could use a some help. This program will be a freeware program
available with sources to anyone who wants it. It runs on Macintosh
computers with 8 bit graphics cards (68020 or 68030 is required).

I am looking for the following volunteers:

	- Title animation programmer
	    The program is written in Think C and uses a custom-written
	    vector animation package. Synchronizing sound and animation
	    and even doing color animation is extremely easy. Artistic
	    talent and good C language skills are required. This part of
	    the program comprises all the title, help and high score
	    screens. QuickDraw can be used, but is not recommended.

	- Game testers
	    You need a Macintosh II[x/cx/ci/fx] with an 8 bit video card.
	    Familiarity with a certain 3D vector game with a rotating knob
	    controller helps. If you own one of these old games, you are
	    immediately accepted as a Quality Assurance Technician... :-)
	    If you don't know what I'm talking about, forget you ever saw
	    this posting and wait until you see the finished product.

	- Sound technician
	    You need access to a sound sampler. I have a sound sampler, but
	    I don't have the time to do all the necessary editing. Some of
	    the work has been done. The sounds should have a high-tech feel,
	    but playtesters will make the final choices. The game allows
	    two simultaneous 11 kHz sampled sound channels. Stereo might be
	    available later (allowing 2 x 2 channels).

A maximum of 10 people will be chosen, but a few more might receive a demo
of what has been done so far. I will act as coordinator and main programmer,
but most decisions will eventually made by vote. Estimated completion date
is sometime next January, if we can get started in September or October.

Please mail your applications and post only if absolutely necessary.
  / Juri Munkki	    /  Helsinki University of Technology   /  Wind  /   HP S /
 / jmunkki@hut.fi  /  Computing Center Macintosh Support  /  Surf  /   48 X /