[comp.sys.mac.games] Cheating at Tetris

ldg@yoda.byu.edu (11/06/90)

I once saw described here a method for running up huge scores in Tetris.
You had to pause the game under certain conditions and then hold a certain
key down, or some such. I don't remember, or I wouldn't be asking.

Does anybody remember how this is done? My co-workers in the lab are
beginning to approach my fake score with their real ones, and I don't want
them to lose incentive...

I suppose you should e-mail your responses, or your requests for the info
once I get it. Thanks in advance.

Lyle D. Gunderson N6KSZ | "Any technology without       | ldg@yoda.byu.edu
350 CB/BYU              | some attendant risk of misuse | CIS: 73760,2354
Provo UT 84602          | is probably trivial"          | GEnie: L.GUNDERSON
                        |             --Louise Kohl     | AOL: LGunderson

ccocswr@prism.gatech.EDU (Winston Rast (Micro- coop)) (11/07/90)

In article <285ldg@yoda.byu.edu> ldg@yoda.byu.edu writes:
>I once saw described here a method for running up huge scores in Tetris.
>You had to pause the game under certain conditions and then hold a certain
>key down, or some such. I don't remember, or I wouldn't be asking.
>Does anybody remember how this is done? My co-workers in the lab are
>beginning to approach my fake score with their real ones, and I don't want
>them to lose incentive...

If I remember correctly, you have to pause ("P"), press "N", and then hold
down the space bar.  As I said this is from memory so don't take my word for
it.  You'll just have to try it.  Can anyone confirm or deny this cheater?
Personally, I think you should let them have the high score and then just
barely beat it by cheating.  You can't see your score when the space bar is
down but you can keep doing the cheater until your score is high enough.  Have

By the way, what score are you up to and on what version of Tetris?  I have
almost 11,000 on the color application of Tetris (not cheating).  I start at
level 8, height 0, adv. mode off.

-|  Winston M. Rast        \\     Ever seen a low-cost color Mac?|     -
-|  GA Tech Computer Tech   \\      Neither have I.  Well, maybe.|k|..   -
-|  ccocswr@prism.gatech.edu \              MAC RULES!!!         |  -

dlinder@eagle.wesleyan.edu (11/07/90)

In article <16533@hydra.gatech.EDU>, ccocswr@prism.gatech.EDU (Winston Rast  (Micro- coop)) writes:
> In article <285ldg@yoda.byu.edu> ldg@yoda.byu.edu writes:
>>I once saw described here a method for running up huge scores in Tetris.
>>You had to pause the game under certain conditions and then hold a certain
>>key down, or some such. I don't remember, or I wouldn't be asking.
>>Does anybody remember how this is done? My co-workers in the lab are
>>beginning to approach my fake score with their real ones, and I don't want
>>them to lose incentive...
> If I remember correctly, you have to pause ("P"), press "N", and then hold
> down the space bar.  As I said this is from memory so don't take my word for
> it.  You'll just have to try it.  Can anyone confirm or deny this cheater?
> Personally, I think you should let them have the high score and then just
> barely beat it by cheating.  You can't see your score when the space bar is
> down but you can keep doing the cheater until your score is high enough

You don't need to hit the 'N'.  Just pause the game by hitting 'P' and hold
down the space bar for a while.  Then unpause the game by hitting 'P' again and
drop one piece.  Your new score will then be displayed.  Happy deceptions!

david linder

Cogito Ergo Spud
I think therefore I yam