[comp.sys.mac.games] SimEarth spoilers

lorner@ecst.csuchico.edu (Lance Orner) (11/20/90)

I posted a message last week about wanting to know where robots come from
in the game SimEarth, and since then, I've had only one reply about where they
came from.  That's alright, because the game is new, and not too many people
have figured it out yet.  I've posted some finding below.

I've also found out some "hidden" commands in SimEarth which were posted
on America Online.  I've listed some of these below also.

***WARNING***  The following notes may ruin your entire day.  I have some
notes about the game SimEarth which may be best left to your own discovery.
If you don't want to read them, press 'n' now.


Everything here just might be wrong, and should probably be expected to
change, be updated.  Comments are welcome.

  I got one message saying how he found a couple of robots appearing after
the Exodus event (I'm deeply sorry, but I lost your name.).  My own experiments
found that often, after you nuke a Nanotech city, one solitary robot will be
left behind (I suppose he can survive a nuclear holocost.)  If left alone,
this robot will absolutely kill every other surviving creature, except for
the most basic of life forms.  These robots live anywhere -- in water or
on land, and will basically take over the entire world.  There is one file
in America Online that demonsrates this happening, and may be worth getting
if you want to see what they can do (in Maxis software libraries).
  I really haven't played a lot with robots lately, so everything I've
found is a bit sketchy. But this is what I know about it, you guys take
it from here.

  After somebody (again, I didn't look at the name) tried using ResEdit on
SimEarth, he found some keywords that you could use in SimEarth, much like
the FUND trick that was available in SimCity.  A representative from Maxis
said that these words do exist in the program, and also hinted that there
may even be more.

FUND --  This is the one I mentioned in my first message.  Look for yourself.

joke --  Not really sure why this one is in there, but is cute.  Prints an
bad joke.

smoo --  For "smooth".  Maxis said that this one is handy if you want to
smooth out the edges of a volcano explosion, for example.  Rounds the edges of
all land masses.

erad --  Totally wipes out _all_ life, both plant and animal.  I suppose you
can use this if you want to start over again.

rand --  This will get rid of all current land masses, and generally sprinkles
random spots of land all over the place.  Makes a real mess.

Just make sure you try out these commands on a world that you've already 
saved.  I'm not responsible for anything that is done using this message.

Anyways, that's all for now.  Have fun.

Lance M Orner           | To get a hold of me --
  Computer Engineering  |   --from Internet:        lorner@ecst.csuchico.edu
California State        |   --from America Online:  Caradoc
  University, Chico     |   --from Eighth Ave.:     "Hey!  Lance!"