felix@ai.sri.com (Francois Felix INGRAND) (12/06/90)
I called them this morning, and they have no plan to fix it... Rats. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Francois Felix INGRAND SRI International, AIC felix@AI.SRI.COM 333, Ravenswood Avenue (415) 859-5584 MENLO PARK, CA 94025, USA "Read my Lisp... No new syntax" (nil)
ech@cbnewsk.att.com (ned.horvath) (12/08/90)
From article <FELIX.90Dec5105924@cayucos.ai.sri.com>, by felix@ai.sri.com (Francois Felix INGRAND): > > I called them this morning, and they have no plan to fix it... Rats. I guess you'll have to "settle" for GunShy, free at better archives everywhere... BTW, I've not heard from anyone who's tried GunShy on any of the 10/90 vintage Macs; if you have, please drop me a note, describing any problems or confirming that you've had none. Thanks! =Ned Horvath= ehorvath@attmail.com Disclaimer: I wrote GunShy, and I like it BETTER than Shanghai...