[comp.sys.mac.games] Might & Magic II Hints

ephrem@hardy.u.washington.edu (Bo Jackson) (12/27/90)


			Might & Magic II Notes v2.5
			       Compiled by: Anabas
Basicly, to explain: This here is a far from completed entourage of notes from my (and now others) play of the extrodinarily addictive game Might & Magic II. Maybe you could view this collage as help for overcoming your addiction, but really what this is, is to spoil your game. Here lies where everything is (spells, articles, etc...), how to edit your characters safly, and soon how to win the game. I dont want to give it all away yet (plus I dont know it all yet, and transcribing my illegible scribbles is 

pretty tough too.) SO, you can expect further updates with information to further make your game eaisier and less chalanging. Distribute this around, share the wealth, but please do not change this with out telling me, I have listed several places where I am available below, contact me there first, k? I just don't want false and other information to go to my name...... etc.... Well, have fungi, but be careful!

		Area  X-cords  Y-cords   Era   Special Notes

Air Disk	N/A	15	15			
Unknown	        E2	11	6
Stuff		C2	14	8	  9 	Unknown junk
Unknown	        D4	14	11		"	         "
Unknown	        N/A	10	15		"	         "
Unknown	        C3	7	9		"                "
Bruno		C4	0       15              Barbarian +
Unknown	        B2	15	11		Cast S7,1
Druids Cave	B3,4	??	??	 	N password: Druids
Cuisinarts	A2	14	7		turn off right
Troll		A3	0	14	
Rambler		D3	7	13		give cupie dolls
Jouster		B3	5	11		good treasure, hard
Food		E3	2	10		Free 40  food
Cast		C2	11	1		Cast C3,6
Earth Trans.	E4	8	8		Spell Earth Transmutation
Dawn's Bog	D4	3	7			Cave
Sarakin's Mine	A2	12	3		Cave (beat Sarakin)
Serakin's Exit	A2	8	0		To leave the cave
Corak's Cave	C2	5	11		Plus Cleric
Circus		B2	14	4		go on days 140(?)-160(?)
Magic Pit	C2	4	4		Magic monster pit
Goblets		MG	0	7		In middle gate cave
Children	MG	0	15		goblets-wizard, children-witch
Baron Wilfry	B2	11	2		Archer + 
J-26 Fluxers	N/A	7	6
Dragon's Lair	D1	14	10		gold armor and good weapons	
Intelect Fruit  B2      8       8               Intelect increases to65
Meenu		B1	9	9		Only once a year name:Meenu
Might Pool      A4      10      10              Go to M's resort open door 
Gemmakers cave  E1      4       7
Water Talon	**	10	10		Water Plane, need disk
Fire Talon	**	4	4		Fire Plane, need disk
Earth Talon	**	8	8		Earth Plane, need disk
Air Talon	**	11	7		Air Plane, need disk
Hireling	D4    	8	9        	H'ling Dove 
Lepers		D4      14	11      	200+	
Honar Sword	D2	14	4		fight for it!
Bruno the Barb.	C4      0	15       
Mt. Fairview	D2      7	0       
Corak's Cave	C1      10	15
Nobility sword  D1      0       8

New tips on odd, even, every 30the and 180th day.			
Mt. Fairview, get plused
All encasement spells are one square away and one square over fromthe most distant corner of each elemental plane
Cast Nature's Gate on day 93 and recieve Star Burst spell
After returning Goblets and Children go to all Temples and donate to recive Farthing
Flick farthing at middlegate to recieve castle key
Red interleave: one letter, than two, and finally 3 letters. Repeat. Use this order: 8-5-2-6-1-3-9-7-4
To get out of an Elemental plane or the past, you simply have to rest several times until you arrive in front of MiddleGate Inn.
A2         14,10      Eat Meal B at atlatia then go.. (couln't tell ya)

Where spells are located:

Spell	Area	xcords	ycords	Special Notes
C,2/3	C3	1	9
C,3/6	C2	11	1
C,4/2	A1	8	8
C,5/1	A1	1	14
C,5/3	B4	8	1
C,6/1	E4	8	8
C,6/4	A4	1	1
C,6/5	A4	8	8
C,7/1	E4	14	1
C,8/1	E1	14	14
C,9/1	**	14	14	in Druids Cave
C,9/2		5	5
S,2/1	C2	**	**	Middlegate magician's club
S,2/6	**	N/A	N/A	Corak's Cave
S,3/6	**	7	4	Sandsobar
S,5/2	C1	1	8
S,7/1	A2	15	11
S,9/3	D1	5	6
S,9/4	**	3	3	Gemmakers Cave

Unknown (possibly hireling cordiantes)

?? D1 (14,1)4
?? B4 (10,1)2
?? A3 (8,1)2
?? D3 (1,14)5
Tundra (15,10)3
Hillstone (8,4)5
Middlegate (0,15)1
Sandsobar (4,10)5
Vulcania (4,2)4
Cavern under vulcania (1,14)1
Atlantium (0,14)2
S.Mine (7,2)3
Dawns Cavern (4,11)2

				Might & Magic II
Do you hate the fact that your favorite hireling costs 25,000 gold a day? Do you need some more money? Expierence? Maybe you just don't think you are strong enuf. Well, here lies  the method to edit those nastys out (and in) to your character. With lots of help from zach, and Weasel who did lots of the dirty work. This is no big feat, everybody could figure this out (well, most people could....) but, how many of you could actually document it so everybody else doesnt have to do it theirselfs? Anyhow, enuf 

of this, here it is.... As far as I know it only works on the Mac, but if you use it and it works on an IBM, it will work on the Amiga, cause the Amiga version is a direct port from the IBM (everything the same, even the stupid sounds)......

Use FileEdit (MacTools Delux) to do this, Fedit (and Fedit Plus) work too, but FileEdit is so much less work. It may help you to have a programmers calculator (DA, or real one) to convert Hexadecimal to normal everyday base 10.....

Let me explain how to use what is coming up....
First make a copy of your master roster, in case you blow it up or something. This is obvious. Now boot up FileEdit, and get to your copy of Master Roster. Select it and go to view edit in the menus. Forget about the first page of statistics of the block, hit your arrow on the horizantal scroll bar once. You will see numbers and a colum on the left with (hopefully) a name or two that you should recognize. Your characters. Each character starts in hexadecimal by the 0A. It tells the computer that a differen

t character is next. Everything after that 0A is your characters name, attributes, abilities, and information.  Now to edit this information all you have to do is go to the appropriate offset and change it. (offset is a group of two numbers, hexidecimal is always composed of two numbers in a group. You should see groups of four numbers, seperate these into two groups of two and you have your offsets.) The line number of your first character is the first number (for example 020 is theivery, that would mean 

line 0020) and the offset is the second number (thievery is offset 4, so count over 4 sets of two and that pair is the pair to edit your theivery, pretty simple.) Sorry for all of you who understand this already, but thos who dont, and want to do this, need help.... Note: Dont go over the known max, as it doesnt work if you do. The known max is first shown in the hexidecimal format (the one you should put into the offset) and the number in parenthasis is base 10, how you will see it on your character.
Ok, here it is finnnaly:

		Line     Offset    Known max.
Theivery	020	4	FF (255)
Hit Points*	060	3&4	FDE8 (65,000)
Max Hit Points	070	9&10	"	    "
Gold		060	7-10	02625A00 (4billion)
Expierence	060	11-14	"	       "
Gems		060	1-2	FDE8 (65,000)
Sex*		010	2	00,01,02?
Armor Class	020	10	FF (255)
Town starts*	010	1	00 = no towns, cant use character
Stats*		060-070	16	FF (255) maybe, to be safe dont go over 64 (100)
Endurance	070	8	"    				"
BackPack items*	030	16	FF (255 items)
"	      " 040	5	"	     " 
Backpack charges040	6	unknown
"	       "040	11	"     "
Backpack Pluses*040	12	3F (63)
"	       "050	1	"     "
Equiped Items*	020	14	FF (255 items)
"	     "  030	3	"            "
Equiped Charges*030	16	unknown
"	      " 030	9	"     "
Equiped Pluses*	030	10	3F (255)
"	      " 030	15	"      "
Cost/day	0F0	14-15	who wants a max? go for 0001!

If you are going to change your hitpoints and want them to stay, change your max hitpoints.	
Town starts is where your character is when you start the game, in same order as when you do town portal, being 1 is Middle Gate and 5 is Atlantium, and the others inbetween.
Sex can be either: Male, Female, or none (as one of the hirelings is)
Stats go from lines 060-070 and each offset inbetween is a part of a stat. Change line 060 offset 16 and you are changing the Might, offset 17 changes the next one down on your character sheet etc... Does not include Endurance.
Backpack items, there are 255 items, so far I havent gotten them all documented, but when I do that will probably be the next update. Go ahead and play around with these and tell me what you get fore each number, so I can speed up the next update. These are the items not equiped (obvious)
Equiped Items are the same, with the exception that they are on the equiped side and you are using them.
Charges: How many times you can use that item (if it is magical) max is probably FF (255)
Pluses: How much more powerful that item is. Multiplied by the plus a weapon can become extremly powerful when it has a high plus.

All of these edit your FIRST character. To edit any of the others you must:
Take the line number of what you want to edit (exaple:theivery 020) and multiply it by 16 add the offset (4) and divide by two. Now count that many offsets from the begining of the charatcer you want to edit (remember that all characters start with 0A!)

Others not included:
???? others, but you dont really need them anyhow do you? heheh

And here lies ALL the items that you can have, yes all 255 of them are here. I would like to take this time to thank The Weasel for his GREAT effort in getting these. I have the patience, yet not the time, he has both. Good job Weasel! Course I had to edit them all in and format them, heheh, I had to be in there somewhere....				

FF - Useless		EF - Amber Skull	DF - Element Orb
FE - N-19 Capitor	EE - Lapis Scrab	DE - Earth Talon		
FD - A-1 Todilor	ED - Coral Broach	DD - Fire Talon
FC - M-27 Radicon	EC - Amethyst Box	DC - Water Talon	
FB - J-26 Fluxer	EB - Sapphire Pin	DB - Cupie Doll	
FA - Sun Crown		EA - Earth Disk	        DA - Monster Tome		
F9 - Topaz Shard	E9 - Fire Disk		D9 - Web Caster
F8 - Pearl Choker	E8 - Air Disk		D8 - Web Caster
F7 - Onyx Effigy	E7 - Water Disk		D7 - Dog Wistle
F6 - Ruby Tiara		E6 - Emerald Ring	D6 - Mark's Key's
F5 - Ivory Cameo	E5 - Corak's Soul	D5 - Castle Key
F4 - Ruby Amulet	E4 - Noble Sword	D4 - Fe Farthing
F3 - Crystal Vial	E3 - Honor Sword	D3 - Black Ticket
F2 - Opal Pendant	E2 - Valor Sword	D2 - Red Ticket
F1 - Agate Grail	E1 - +7 Loin Cloth	D1 - Yellow Ticket		
F0 - Quartz Skull	E0 - Gold Goblet	D0 - Green Ticket
CF - Enchanted ID	BF - Accurace Gauntlet	AF - Magic Meal	
CE - Sage's Robe	BE - Might Gauntlet	AE - Silent Horn
CD - Elven Boots	BD - Defence Ring	AD - Hero Medal
CC - Elven Cloak	BC - Skeleton Key       AC - Herbal Patch
CB - Magic Mirror	BB - Teleport Orb	AB - Holy Charm
CA - Energizer		BA - Instant Keep	AA - Max HP potion
C9 - Phreeze Wand	B9 - Hourglass  	A9 - Skill Potion
C8 - Phazer		B8 - Lava Grenade	A8 - Force Potion
C7 - Lich Hand		B7 - Storm Wand		A7 - Sextant	
C6 - Disrupter		B6 - Invisocloak	A6 - Compass
C5 - Ruby Ankh		B5 - Witch's Broom	A5 - Wake-Up-Horn
C4 - Moon Rock		B4 - Magic Charm	A4 - Rope's and Hooks
C3 - Cure-All Wand	B3 - Ray Gun    	A3 - Thives Pick
C2 - Speed Boots	B2 - Dove's Blood	A2 - Lantern
C1 - Admit 8 Pass	B1 - Super Flare	A1 - Torch
C0 - Stealth Cape	B0 - Antidote Ale	A0 - Magic Herbs
9F - Gold Helm		8F - S Chain Mail	7F - Padded Armor
9E - Silver Helm	8E - B Chain Mail	7E - Gold Shield		
9D - Bronze Helm	8D - I Chain Mail	7D - Magic Shield
9C - Iron Helm          8C - S RIng Mail	7C - Iron Shield
9B - Helm		8B - B Ring Mail	7B - Bronze Shield
9A - G Plate Mail	8A - I Ring Mail	7A - Silver Shield
99 - G Splint Mail	89 - S Scale Mail	79 - Cold Shield                98 - G Chain Mail       88 - B Scale Mail	78 - Acid Shield
97 - G Ring Mail	87 - I Scale Mail	77 - Electric Shield
96 - G Scale Mail	86 - Plate Armor	76 - Fire Shield
95 - S Plate Mail	85 - Plate Mail   	75 - Great Shield
94 - B Plate Mail	84 - Splint Mail	74 - Large Shield 
93 - I Plate Mail	83 - Chain Mail		73 - Small Shield
92 - S Splint Mail	82 - Ring Mail		72 - Black Key
91 - B Splint Mail	81 - Scale Armor	71 - Red Key
90 - I Splint Mail 	80 - Leather Suit	70 - Yellow Key
6F - Green Key		5F - Crossbow		4F - Wind Staff
6E - Ancient Bow	5E - Short Bow		4E - Flamberge
6D - Meteor Bow		5D - Sling		4D - Great Axe
6C - Star Bow		5C - Blowpipe		4C - Halaberd
6B - Death Bow		5B - Sun Naginata	4B - Great Hammer
6A - Energy Sling	5A - Moon Halaberd	4A - Bardiche
69 - Giant Sling	59 - Titan's pike	49 - Naginata
68 - Voltage Bow	58 - Dark Trident	48 - Pike
67 - Fireball Bow 	57 - Soul Scythe	47 - Trident
66 - Burning Crossbow	56 - Wizard Staff	46 - War Hammer
65 - Pirate's Crossbow	55 - Genius Staff       45 - Glaive
64 - Quiet Sling	54 - Stone Hammer	44 - Scythe
63 - Cinder Pipe	53 - Harsh Hammer	43 - Sickle
62 - Shaman Pipe	52 - Fire Glaive	42 - Staff
61 - Great Bow 		51 - Ice Sickle		41 - Photon Blade
60 - Long Bow		50 - Tri-Sickle		40 - Energy Blade
3F - Thunder Sword	2F - Chance Sword	1F - Sonic Whip
3E - Magic Sword	2E - Accurate Sword	1E - Energy Whip
3D - Force Sword	2D - Rapid Katana	1D - Power Cudgel
3C - Dyno Katana	2C - Electric Axe	1C - Looter Knife
3B - Swift Axe		2B - Blazing Axe	1B - Lucky Knife
3A - Grand Axe		2A - True Axe		1A - Power Club
39 - Ice Scimitar	29 - Ego Scimitar	19 - Slumber Club
38 - Divine Mace	28 - Sharpe Sabre	18 - Katana
37 - Holy Cudgel	27 - Shock Flail	17 - Broad Sword
36 - Sage Dagger	26 - Quick Flail	16 - Battle Axe
35 - Cold Blade		25 - Fast Cutlass	15 - Scimitar
34 - Acidic Sword	24 - Fiery Spear	14 - Wakizashi
33 - Electric Sword	23 - Exacto Spear	13 - Long Sword
32 - Flaming Sword	22 - Mauler Mace	12 - Sabre
31 - Flash Sword	21 - Scorch Maul	11 - Flail
30 - Speedy Sword	20 - Mighty Whip	10 - Cutlass
And finally:
0F - Spear
0E - Mace
0D - Nunchukas
0C - Short Sword
0B - Maul
0A - Long Dagger
09 - Bull Whip
08 - Spiked Club
07 - Cudgle
06 - Hand Axe
05 - Large Knife
04 - Dagger
03 - Large Club
02 - Small Knife
01 - Small Club
00 - 

There is much more to come, I just have to decipher some of our handwritten notes, any others people may have, and questions, and comments e-mail them to Space Man Stiff, or Anabas. You can find me on practicly any Washington board, but ones I frequent (and your mail will be answered sooner there....) MAChine, Abraxas, Lerxst Mall, Psychotic's Interstate. 

My address is ephrem@Hardy.u.Washington.edu, mail me any other hints, tips etc. that you would like to see included here, you will be mentiond! You will see more updates as progress reaches its peak. Any help is apprecited!  Thanks.

ephrem@hardy.u.washington.edu (Bo Jackson) (12/28/90)

There have been some problems in formatting the Might & Magic II hints on
usenet, some places it looks fine, and others.......It was a mac text file
and many mailers tructated it, oh, well. I will be willing to send people
hqx versions of it if ya would like, or maybe I should hqx it and send it on
here? Any ideas?

ephrem@hardy.u.washington.edu (Bo Jackson) (12/31/90)

This is the hexed version of the previously posted Might & Magic II Hints
It is hexed because when posted it was quite changed by our friendly
mailers. SO, here I stuffed this with Stuffit Delux 2.0 (note: I used the
Text compression optimizer, if people have problems, just ring....) and then
hexed it. There shouldnt be any problems, I hope this works! heh 
(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)