[comp.sys.mac.games] Might and Magic II question

wayne@clsib21.UUCP (Wayne MacLaughlin) (01/16/91)

I've finished Might & Magic II (Macintosh version), but was never able
to see Murray in Murray's cavern.  I got stuck at the door that said
"you are not heroic."  Hey, I saved Cron, how much more heroic can you

I didn't end up exploring everything.  I'm still curious about this
one, though.

|uucp-> {...}bbn!clsib21!wayne	        \/                   Wayne MacLaughlin|
|                                       /\                          CLSI, Inc.|
|				        \/                   320 Nevada Street|
|				        /\              Newtonville, MA  02160|
|internet-> wayne%clsib21.uucp@bbn.com  \/            (617)-965-6310  ext. 311|
|  "I've got plenty of common sense.  I just choose to ignore it."            |
|                                                               -Calvin       |

smsmith@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Stephen M. Smith) (01/17/91)

In article <1540@clsib21.UUCP> wayne@clsib21.UUCP (Wayne MacLaughlin) writes:
>I've finished Might & Magic II (Macintosh version), but was never able
>to see Murray in Murray's cavern.  I got stuck at the door that said
>"you are not heroic."  Hey, I saved Cron, how much more heroic can you

I just finished MM2 on the IBM and the message I got in Murray's
cavern was "No Hirelings."  Maybe there was a mistake when they
ported it?

I would try 2 things:  First, give one of your characters the ability
of "heroism" and see if that helps.  I think you can buy this skill
in Atlantium.  Second (if that doesn't work) try dismissing all
your hirelings to see if it's a fluke in the programming.

Good luck!  :)

S. "Stevie" Smith \  +  /
<smsmith@hpuxa.   \+++++/    " #*&<-[89s]*(k#$@-_=//a2$]'+=.(2_&*%>,,@
 ircc.ohio-state. \  +  /      {7%*@,..":27g)-=,#*:.#,/6&1*.4-,l@#9:-)  "
 edu>             \  +  / 
 BTW, WYSInaWYG   \  +  /                              --witty.saying.ARC