AK7J%CORNELLA.BITNET@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (01/19/86)
In my station of the NYC Subway, Main Street Flushing (IRT 7), yellow over yellow is used for switch left, and the third yellow on the bottom indicates a switch right. Can anyone tell me about the LIRR's color signal system is? Red over green seems to mean all clear.... Also, has anyone else riddent the PATH trains here and noticed that they're practically 2 feet from the trips before they go down? Going about 15 mph! Do they ever get caught? I guess those guys have the grade timing down perfect! And finally, I saw recently that the PATH terminal was moved about 30 yards south into the World Trade Center when it was built, and the original terminal is going to be used as a Data Storage Facility (i.e. Vault), I think the first inside the city. Does anyone else know of other interesting things done with abandoned stations? (These guys originally tried to lease the unfinished 2nd Avenue tunnel.) Excuse me if any of this info is a repeat, I'm new to the group. I came in just after the article on signals in the NYC subway system. Could someone please send me the original article? Thanks, Dan ak7j@cornella.BITNET ak7j%cornella.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu
jis1@mtgzz.UUCP (j.mukerji) (01/20/86)
> Can anyone tell me about the LIRR's color signal system is? > Red over green seems to mean all clear.... I have seen LIRR use color light signals only inside the East River Tunnels. Do they use them anywhere else? At least on the mainline, the Port Jeff line and the Babylon - Montouk line they seem to use the old Pennsy style lighted semaphores (or whatever they are called in railroadese). I have never quite figured out what the colored lights in the East River tunnels mean. Also, during the morning rush hours LIRR trains going into Penn Station seem to run bumper to bumper (literally) through Sunnyside. Anyone know how they do that? Like Air traffic control do they have a visual mode of operation (like VFR) where each motorman simply makes sure that he does not bump into the train ahead? Or are there any hidden signals, prehaps cab signals that aid them in that exercise? Jishnu Mukerji AT&T Information Systems Labs Middletown NJ mtgzz!jis1