[comp.sys.mac.games] SimEarth: Fish exodusing, Proof.

tiktok@milton.u.washington.edu (Steve Feldon) (01/30/91)

There was a thread in the past few days about whether it is possible to have
fish exodus, and under what circumstances.  I knew I'd done it; when the
phrase "salmon in starships" occurs to you, you don't forget it.

I have saved games, binhexed, and am willing to mail them to any and all
who request.  My address is in the .sig.    

I began with a random world in the evolution phase, introduced fish, and
hit them with the monolith until they went sentient.  Then I fed them the
increasing tech levels up to just before industry, used the monolith to 
get them up to industry, and fed them atomic, information, and nanotech ages
tech in rapid order.

Then I hit them with the monolith again, and bang, exodusing fish.  Simple.
From no fish to "salmon in starships" in fifteen minutes.


Steve Feldon                   | opinions  | "It's like... cows!"
tiktok@milton.u.washington.edu | all mine! | 		-- Mojo Feline, 1991