[comp.sys.mac.games] SkyShadow 1.09

cmr45797@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Charles Mark Remes) (02/01/91)

I just bought Sky Shadow about a week ago from MacZone.  The version I
got was 1.0.9.  I haven't encountered any problems with it yet
(knock on wood).  I'm sure if you contact Cassady&Greene they'll set
you up with the latest and greatest...


jdw4374@cec2.wustl.edu (The Mad Hatter) (02/01/91)

As a follow-up, does someone know how to get in touch with Cassady&Greene,
especially through E-mail.  I only have version 1.0.2 of Sky Shadow, and would
like to upgrade.  Also, does someone know what the current version of Mission
Starlight is?  I have version 1.1, and have been having problems with it, most
of them dealing with a "Can't load slot - this might be fatal" error.  I 
purchased both games at last year's Macworld Expo Boston, and I am glad there
have been some upgrades since them.  They are both great games!

|     Jeff Wolman           |     I am NOT Mad as a Hatter!           |
|  (314)862-2900/889-5397   |     My swinging from the rafters is not |
|   jdw4374@cec2.wustl.edu  |     actually happening; it just looks   |
|   AOL: JeffW15            |     like it.  You're crazy, not me!     |
|     Jeff Wolman           |     I am NOT Mad as a Hatter!           |
|  (314)862-2900/889-5397   |     My swinging from the rafters is not |
|   jdw4374@cec2.wustl.edu  |     actually happening; it just looks   |
|   AOL: JeffW15            |     like it.  You're crazy, not me!     |

nv89-nun@dront.nada.kth.se (Nicklas Ungman) (02/05/91)

The current version of mission starlight is 1.1.5. It should work OK
and the slot task error has been fixed.

The adress to Casady & Greene is :

P.O Box 223779, Carmel, CA 93922 U.S.A.
fax: 408 624-7865   voice: 408 624-8716

/Adolf Blitter