warden@grad1.cis.upenn.edu (Robert Warden) (01/31/91)
Me Too! Can anyone tell me the name, adress, or phone number of the company that makes Oids for the Macintosh? I've played this game on an Atari before and it's GREAT! Does the Mac version support color? Please email or just post a reply - thanks. warden@grad1.cis.upenn.edu
tempest@walleye.uucp (Kenneth K.F. Lui) (02/01/91)
In article <1991Jan31.092303.1@ivax.ccit.arizona.edu> p96234037@ivax.ccit.arizona.edu writes: >Yes it works in up to 256 colors. [...] >I've seen a demo run on a two page screen in 256 colors and it looked great! It's only 16 colors. OIDS is smart enough to auto-switch modes for most monitor cards. >It also uses the whole screen not matter what size your screen is. This is the best feature of OIDS, IMHO. Ken ______________________________________________________________________________ tempest@ecst.csuchico.edu, tempest@walleye.ecst.csuchico.edu,|Kenneth K.F. Lui| tempest@sutro.sfsu.edu, tempest@wet.UUCP |________________|
dittman@skbat.csc.ti.com (Eric Dittman) (03/01/91)
In article <49679@apple.Apple.COM>, dowdy@apple.com (Tom Dowdy) writes: > I bought a copy this weekend from SoftWarehouse for $23. > > For those of you NOT in the Bay Area, SoftWarehouse is a mostly > IBM Clone type store that also sells Mac software. Just to let > people know that you can get OIDS "retail" for less than the mail > order price. SoftWarehouse has a store in Dallas and other cities around the country (Dallas was the first one), Tom. -- Eric Dittman Texas Instruments - Component Test Facility dittman@skitzo.csc.ti.com dittman@skbat.csc.ti.com Disclaimer: I don't speak for Texas Instruments or the Component Test Facility. I don't even speak for myself. I also have no connection with SoftWarehouse except as a customer.