(andrew.l.reibman) (03/01/91)
I recently tried to design my first scenario using WARPLAN, the SSG scenario editor that comes with Halls of Montezuma. I had trouble putting features (roads, rivers, etc.) on clear terrain. I think that perhaps features are not allowed on terrain type 0 - although this is undocumented. Once I made type 0 open water things worked a lot better. In general the documentation for the planner is not very thorough. Which icons are which in the palette? The one with the truck is a road, and the one that looks like a nut forms junctions, and the signpost makes the secondary dotted roads. But what about the line (road) with the nut above it? How do you make ersatz roads that lead off the map. Also specifying the forces was quite tedious. Is there a way (undocumented) to re-use a battalion specification - so you could copy a battalion and change its name. Has anyone else designed their own scenarios from scratch? Andrew Reibman