[comp.sys.mac.games] Delta Tao and the net...

evans@Neon.Stanford.EDU (John S. Evans) (03/02/91)

A while back, someone asked if anyone from Delta Tao was on the net...

Peter Commons, author of Spaceward Ho!, reads news fairly often.
I also have some stuff to do with them (I wrote Polly MacBeep...)


John S. Evans	        |  "I don't ask questions... I just have fun."
evans@neon.stanford.edu | 	-Bugs Bunny
MSCS Student            |  "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb..."
Stanford University     |   	-Batman (from the 1960's movie)

gergely@cs.dal.ca (Peter J Gergely) (03/03/91)

Mail sent to "deltatao@applelink.apple.com"  will reach Delta Tao.
The mail is read on a regular interval, although not daily.  I have
sent bug reports directly to this address.
	- Peter

P.S.  I have nothing to do with them, except for being a happy
Peter J. Gergely (MC/ORD, MCHQ, FMO Halifax, Halifax, NS)
      INTERNET or UUCP:  gergely@cs.dal.ca