(Bob Nordling) (03/03/91)
I see my appeal for submissions and reviews regarding the Macintosh topics of entertainment, game, and educational software is in competition with a similar appeal by the folks at the Digital Review. The GAMER Project was formed to "celebrate the lighter side of the Mac", and seeks to support shareware authors by highlighting their newly released programs and upgrades, as well as being a source of information (articles, reviews, lists, surveys) about both s/w and commercial software. The primary publication of the GAMER Project is the "EAR Awards", an acronym for the "Excellence in Amusement Roster". This publication, in stand-alone DOCMaker 3.55 format, contains reviews, articles, awards for best s/w & commercial games, "Shareware Game Registry" (containing info on 575+ games), "Shareware Authors Address Book" (containing VALID CURRENT addresses personally confirmed by correspondence with the authors), and will in future releases contain a complete bibliography of game related books and periodicals, a "Commercial Game Registry" (which I am working on now), and a "Who's Who Among Shareware Game Programmers" section featuring biographical info on many shareware/pd authors. Anyone is welcome to submit a review (1-2 page), mini-review (10 lines or so), or an article to immortalize themselves in the Mac gaming underground! The only stipulation of inclusion of an article or review is that the author must grant permission for non-profit user groups to reprint the materials submitted. The "EAR Awards" is available on America Online, GEnie, and FREQable from Fidonet node 1:396/13 as EAR90-15.SIT However, I would be happy to send anyone a copy of the latest version of the "EAR Awards" as well as any GAMER Collections (those of Marc Dutil, Mark Dieter, and C.K. Haun are now available) that will fit on the disk along with it if you send a SASE to: Bob Nordling GAMER Project 15 Everglades St. Kenner, LA 70065 An upgrade of the "EAR Awards" will be available within the next week or so, and the "EAR Awards", C. K. Haun Collection and EITHER the Marc Dutil or Mark Dieter Collection will fit on a single floppy. Please format the floppy before sending, unless you have a new or even formerly published (in a MUG newsletter, etc.) article or review which you would like to submit. Happy gaming! Some of our former contributors have been Glen Andreas (author of Theldrow), Mark Adams (ported Space Rogue to IBM/Mac, author of Iraq Attack), John Calhoun (author of Glider, Glypha, Pararena), and such gaming enthusiasts as Kirk Wallbillich (from the Playmaker Football beta-test team), Rod Whitten (AOL Forum Assistant Mac Games & Entertainment Forum, and Fred Showker (MUG News Service). Also plenty of submissions from ordinary people like myself! -- ***************************************************************** Bob Nordling | AOL: AFC MacFun GAMER Project | FIDONET: 1:396/13 New Orleans MUG | USENET: | ...jhereg!tcnet!vware!edgar!mmug!nordling ->via FidoNet: 1:282/22 - SmorgasBoard USENET-FidoNet Gateway<- *****************************************************************