[comp.sys.mac.games] Crystal Quest 'bug'/scoring trick..

mbk@netcom.COM (Miles Kehoe) (04/06/91)

A few months ago, I read a note in one of the many mac magazines 
about a backdoor entry into Crystal Quest which takes advantage of
a bug/feature - it went something like this.. as you are falling into
the next world/screen after picking up all the goodies in a screen,
just as the little guy sighs, you can press some key to 'pause'
the game - but the timer keeps counting so your score continues
to run up as you are paused...

Trouble is, I *thought* it was the TAB key which is the documented
way to pause the game... and that is not it.  OK, OK, so now a friend
who uses my mac is dangerously close to beating my 'illegally gained
high score' with REAL play - so I have to figure out the sequence again
or face certains embarassment! (Well.. ok.. maybe not - he knows I cheated)
so... who knows the magic keystroke...?

Mail or post...

gousha@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Charles Gousha) (04/12/91)

> Does anyone know the proper sequence for this little bug/feature?

You're right in that the tab key does the job.
The trick is to hit it just a split second BEFORE you get through the
exit gate.  If the screen has a chance to reach the bonus counter,
you're too late.

Good luck!

and as always, should you be caught or killed, the Net will disavow any
knowledge of your actions.  :-)
Charles Gousha                 |    "Yes, Star Trek IS a way of life"
gousha@cory.berkeley.edu       |               (my own philosophy)
All normal disclaimers apply, as well as some abnormal ones.