rransom@aclcb.purdue.edu (Father Barleywine) (04/23/91)
Help me! I'm trying to find a copy of the Empire Builder 1.8 demo, and the tantilizing tidbits left on this board from the author and people who are enjoying themselves playing it are causing extreme FRUSTRATION. Sumex has an informative but useless listing in archive-inqueue.txt, and a down- loadable but not unStuffable version 1.62. Neither of the umich ftp gobble sites have it (archive.etc and ub-mts.cc.umich.edu, although ub-mts has given up on screen printing directories of PD2), and I'm going nuts trying to find it. Has anyone who doesn't run a ftp site or know the author personally have a copy of this game? Does anyone who has it want to drop me a line at RRANSOM@aclcb.purdue.edu so I can ftp it from them? I've already ordered the full featured version, but I'm freaking out on Strategic Conquest and need more excitment. Besides, my friend knows he'll get his bottom spanked when I rend his flesh with penetrating strategies and piercing tactics. Thanks in Advance, Kisses and Hugs Father Barleywine "Fly low and stay cool, bwana" [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] [---> Richard Ransom (Father Barleywine) RRANSOM@aclcb.purdue.edu <---] [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] The Path to Happiness is lined with Brewpubs and other Distractions. Happiness is not Everything.