[comp.sys.mac.games] supplies in Empire Builder

r8ty@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (05/15/91)


has anyone out there aquired a relatively recent version Empire Builder (aka
Empire Master if you have a really recent version)?  I recently sent in my
SW $ for version 1.9 and I've been playing around with it a lot in the last
few days.  I really really like this game.  However, I am somewhat boggled
by this "Rule Editor" and the whole notion of supplies in the game - I 
read the manual and it didn't help much because it kept referring to earlier
versions of the game, none of which I've played.  Like, how can you even
tell if supplies are part of the rules in the scenario you are playing?  If
you've mastered this concept, please drop me a line, I have a few questions.
Or maybe you could just send me a brief description of what's going on with
supplies in a manner you think might be more understandable than the manual.
(please note - I'm not really knocking the manual, for a shareware game a
40+ page manual with that much detail is truly impressive and much of it is
well-written, I'm just having trouble grasping the supply and rule editor
concepts.)  Also, I've noticed that the computer plays decently with the
"Sparta" rule set, but it plays like a complete moron with the "Therta" - no,
that's not what it's called but it's something like that which I can't
remember like that - rule set.  Anyone know why this is?

Roland Vilett