I'm sure that many members of this group have experienced some truely wonderful meals on the train. I know that I have, though the frequency was greater before Amtrak. In fact, for many years it has been possible to buy a book entitled "Dinner in the Diner" which consists of great railroad receipes. On Monday, I was in Kroch's and Brentano's, a very good bookstore in Chicago, with quite a nice selection of railroad books. They also have an aviation section, and I was looking through it when I encountered a book entitled soemthing like: "Great Airline Receipes". I opened the book expecting to see a bunch of empty pages, but instead saw all sorts of receipes from all sorts of airlines. Since I have never had a truely fine airline meal, I find this to be a major joke. Question: has anyone had a truely excellent meal on an airplane? If so, would you please describe it and pass on the name of the airline and the class you flew?