[comp.sys.mac.system] Switching between itl resources - how to?

schaerer@gorgo.ifi.unizh.ch (07/30/90)

[followup to comp.sys.mac.system]

[Sigurd Meldal <meldal@bach.Stanford.EDU> wants to easily switch between
the US and norwegian version of the international resources]

The System file may in fact contain several versions of the international
resources. Some non-US versions of the system software come with a control
panel device called "International" which allows you to switch between them.
You still might have to reboot after a switch, at least the Finder doesn't
seem to recognize it on the fly (I just tried it out).

There is also a diskette called "Localizer" which allows you to install
various versions of the international and keyboard resources.

I think Apple should make these tools generally available. (That's why I
post a followup rather than answering by email.)

Daniel Schaerer, University of Zurich/Switzerland