(Kok Yong Tan) (08/04/90)
I tried an anoymous ftp to I found a couple of humongous files entitled "*605i*" and they seem to be "imaged" files, whatever these are. Can anyone tell me where I can find a complete System 6.0.5? Thanks. Also, I notice that my printer driver icons in System 6.0.4 are not being displayed and the generic document icons are being displayed instead. I remember someone mentioning tweaking the "bundle" bit with ResEdit. Can anyone send me mail on how to do this. I can't seem to find a "bundle" bit using ResEdit. If I setting this bit doesn't work, then I might have a buggy copy of System 6.0.4 and would like to know where I could find a copy. Thanks. =============================================================================== Kok-Yong Tan can be contacted via: | "Oscularis fundamentum!" InterNet: | - Annoyed Latin scholar CompuServe: 75046,256 | America Online: Lallang | ===============================================================================