[comp.sys.mac.system] Finder "refresh"

kjp@ecn.purdue.edu (Kevin J Podsiadlik) (09/04/90)

Lately, I've been experiencing a tendency for the Finder to "refresh" itself
unnecessarily.   I will close a window, and the desktop goes blank, and all
of the open windows are redrawn.  Sometimes the window I closed gets redrawn,
open.  In extreme circumstances, the Restart and Shut Down commands
malfunction, resulting in merely the refresh described above.

I am running Finder 6.1.4 and System 6.0.4, on a Mac SE with a 20meg hard drive.
I have gobs of INITs, and I am using MultiFinder 6.0.4.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.

Kevin Podsiadlik                                               "Dammit, McCoy,
kjp@en.ecn.purdue.edu                                        you're a doctor."

hammen@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Robert Hammen) (09/08/90)

>Lately, I've been experiencing a tendency for the Finder to "refresh" itself
>unnecessarily.   I will close a window, and the desktop goes blank, and all
>of the open windows are redrawn.

For some reason, your Finder is crashing. When this happens when you run
under MultiFinder, it is immediately re-launched, hence the "refresh" that
seems to occur (you'll know for sure that this is the case when you see
the menu bar going blank and being redrawn).

Things to do to solve the problem:

1) Remove any recently-installed INITs and cdevs.
2) Increase the Finder's memory allocation under MultiFinder.
3) Rebuild your desktop file.
4) Check for viruses with Disinfectant 2.1.
5) Back up any installed fonts and DAs, reboot from the System Tools disk,
trash your current System and Finder files from your HD, and install fresh
copies. Many strange/odd problems are solved by installing a new System
file (it's amazing to me how the Mac continues to work when the thing is
partially corrupted). I recommend trashing the original one first, as it's not
clear to me that the Installer replaces all resources when installing a
System file, instead of just updating them.

I personally keep all of my DAs (except one, which I never use) and fonts
(except Chicago, Geneva, and Monaco) outside of my System file. That way,
there are fewer chances for the System file to be modified (like when a DA
"remembers" its window position) and potentially corrupted.

/ Robert Hammen | Macintosh enthusiast & publishing guru, looking for a job /
/ hammen@ddsw1.mcs.com | 70701.2104@compuserve.com | GEnie: R.HAMMEN        /