[comp.sys.mac.system] Wierd things when I drag to trash...it copies!

dlw@Atherton.COM (David Williams) (09/18/90)

Here is a strange one:

System 6.0.5
Desktop Mgr
And a supporting cast of many inits[ATM,ATR,SAM,ColorDesk, After Dark,
etc. etc]
Mac IIx/8 Megs Apple/Quantum 80 internal [formatted with SilverLining].
DPI 44meg Syquest drive [formatted with SilverLining]

Attempt to drag to trash to delete and Finder "file copy" dialog box appears
and seemingly attempts to copy the file to the internal 80meg drive rather than
just tagging the file for the trash can. It seems to place a copy of the
file on the internal hard disk. If I try and move the file from there to
the trash again (yes the trash can hilites when I drop the file icon on
it) or open the
trash window and try to move it into the window the Finder again tries
to copy the file and fails cause it is already there [whereever it is
erroneoussly placing it].

Rebuilding the desktop seems to fix the problem for just a small period
of time and then the problem appears again. I'm going to use ol Init
CDEV  and turn things on and off  one by one with desktop rebuilds to
see if I can track it down, but this one just seemed too strange.

Anyone else come across this?