[comp.sys.mac.system] Desktop Manager and Disk First Aid

rprohask@orion.oac.uci.edu (Robert Prohaska) (11/14/90)

How does Disk First Aid behave when confronted with a disk maintained
by the Desktop Manager?  If it won't work, what will?  

I just noticed a damaged icon (it happened to be Disk First Aid) and tried
to check the disk with Disk First Aid.   The outcome was "can't read disk".

Disinfectant and Silverlining found all to be well. I finally rebuilt 
the desktop file (which I understood to be elimintated by the DTM)
and the icon came back to normal.  

However, DFA still can't read the disk.  It can read the startup volume 
on the drive just fine.  Everything seems to work normally.

Any ideas?


fwb@pollux.siemens.com (Fred Brehm) (11/14/90)

Robert Prohaska asks:
>How does Disk First Aid behave when confronted with a disk maintained
>by the Desktop Manager?  If it won't work, what will?  

I just ran DFA on my IIcx with Desktop Manager running.  There was
no Desktop file present (I checked with DiskTop).  It ran just fine.

Perhaps you should try a fresh copy of DFA from an installation disk.
Maybe something strange is wrong with your disk.

Have you tried removing Desktop Manager from the System Folder, rebooting,
and running DFA again?

Frederic W. Brehm	Siemens Corporate Research	Princeton, NJ
fwb@demon.siemens.com	-or-	...!princeton!siemens!demon!fwb