[comp.sys.mac.system] Is there a GC card FKEY toggle?

mpradhan@f.adelaide.edu.au (12/26/90)


 Could someone let me know if there is an FKEY to toggle the
8.24GC accelerator card on and off instead of having to go to
the Control Panel. This of course would be unecessary if more
programs weren't incompatible with the new card.

 Also, does anyone know if Apple have a patch for the memory
manager bug in the FX (I gather that the last patch, MMInit, was
causing more troubles than in fixed).


    Malcolm Pradhan
    Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine      _--_|\
    University of Adelaide, South Australia      /      \
    InterNet: mpradhan@f.adelaide.edu.au         \_.--._/
    Fax: + 618 338 2108                                v