bskendig@dry.Princeton.EDU (Brian Kendig) (02/02/91)
I have a Macintosh SE. If I install the `minimal SE' system with the Installer, rather than the normal `System Software for Macintosh SE', will it use up less RAM? Right now, with the full installation, is it pulling anything into memory that my SE doesn't need, but that another machine might, but that the `minimal' installations would leave out for me? Will I be compromising any functionality or speed by using the `minimal' installation, or will I gain speed instead by not having superfluous code loaded into RAM? << Brian >> | Brian S. Kendig \ Macintosh | Engineering, | bskendig | | Computer Engineering |\ Thought | USS Enterprise | @phoenix.Princeton.EDU | Princeton University |_\ Police | -= NCC-1701-D =- | @PUCC.BITNET | "It's not that I don't have the work to *do* -- I don't do the work I *have*."