info-terms (06/04/82)
>From smb.unc@UDel-Relay Fri Jun 4 16:11:17 1982
The C.S. department here just got in a pile of HP 2621Bs. For the most
part, they're fine terminals; however, they have two very serious problems.
The biggest annoyance is that when the machine is receiving data at high
baud rates (we're using 4800 baud), it may be necessary to hold down a
key for quite a while before it's recognized. This is especially annoying
when the key is BREAK or CNTL-S, as it makes it very difficult to stop
a listing from rolling off the screen. This problem is mentioned in
the manual, which means it's not likely to be fixed any time soon.
The other glitch in the design is that it defaults to CAPS mode on
power-up or hard reset, and there's no way for the CPU to undo that.
Other than that, it's a nice terminal; I especially like the labellable
function keys and the coiled keyboard cord.
info-terms (07/23/82)
>From decvax!duke!unc!ram@Berkeley Fri Jul 23 12:25:03 1982
we are takling with hp now about a possible fix.
info-terms (07/23/82)
>From smb.unc@UDel-Relay Fri Jul 23 13:51:43 1982
Some time back, there was a fair amount of discussion about problems
with the 2621B, notably its inability to detect keypresses promptly
when receiving characters at high baud rates. Has anyone found any
solutions, or persuaded HP to fix it?
--Steve Bellovin
info-terms (07/23/82)
>From decvax!duke!unc!pes@Berkeley Fri Jul 23 13:51:57 1982
Date: 22 Jul 82 20:32:19 EDT (Thu)
From: Steve Bellovin <smb@unc>
Subject: HP 2621B
To: info-terms
Cc: pes@unc, ram@unc
Some time back, there was a fair amount of discussion about problems
with the 2621B, notably its inability to detect keypresses promptly
when receiving characters at high baud rates. Has anyone found any
solutions, or persuaded HP to fix it?
--Steve Bellovin
The current status is that HP is VERY aware of the problem. Numerous
verbal communications have taken place and a letter was drafted
with the complaints. HP says that new firmware should be available
sometime in Sept to correct shortcomings. ( If not, Dave Packard
is going to hear 'bout this one to see about terminal exchange
for 2621A's )