(Eran) (10/29/90)
Where can I get the newest version of ResEdit? Thanks, Eran Shtiegman Email: (Eran) (10/31/90)
A few days ago I asked whether anyone knew where I could find the new version of ResEdit (2.0b2?) The only replies I got, although numerous, also wanted to know where it could be found. Is it available at Apple.Com in some secret directory. I read in MacWeek that the new version is free and available on Bulletin Boards. I am sure it is available somewhere through ftp, or should be if it isn't. In the same MacWeek I read that the new classic rom has some extra features like a rom disk. Is it possible to upgrade an se/30 to the new 512K rom? Thanks, Eran Shtiegman email: (Eran) (10/31/90)
Less than one hour after posting the request someone mailed ResEdit to me. What service! If anyone still needs it I will be glad to mail it to them. Thanks again, Eran Shtiegman email: (Tiny Bubbles...) (10/31/90)
In <10123@ur-cc.UUCP> (Eran) writes: >available at Apple.Com in some secret directory. I read in MacWeek >that the new version is free and available on Bulletin Boards. MacWeek is factually correct but morally wrong. ResEdit *is* available on bulletin boards, and it *is* free, but it's not *supposed* to be distributed via bulletin boards, from my understanding. Any BBS carrying it is supposed to be paying some kind of license fee and adhering to some sort of agreement. I don't know what it is, but I bet your local BBS isn't in it -- something about being affiliated with APDA, I think. Compu$erve and such services do have such arrangements, I'm told. I am co-sysop of a BBS in Lincoln and we have removed it on advice from Apple. -- ... Michael Ho, University of Nebraska Internet: | "Mine... is the last voice that you will ever hear." (Eran) (10/31/90)
Stop!! I can not take this anymore. I have had more than fifty requests and have mailed it to everyone who asked for it but I can't do it forever. It would be easier if I could just post it in .binaries. Is this allowed? I am sorry but my terminal keeps crashing when I send resedit saying the /tmp file is full so I can only mail it once every time I log in. This makes it difficult to respond to all the requests. Thanks, Eran email: (Michael Darweesh) (10/31/90)
Would it be bad for me to offer Resedit over the network? I mean I have it in my account all stuffed, segmented, and binhexed. Do you really think Apple would mind? -Mike Darweesh (Eran) (11/03/90)
I am sorry but I just can not mail ResEdit to anyone anymore. I got a message from someone at apple saying that Resedit is still copyrighted and it is not legal for me to mail it. Sorry, Eran -- |\/\/\/| ____________________________________________ | | / | | (o)(o) / Eran Shtiegman | (Edwin L King) (11/05/90)
In article <10192@ur-cc.UUCP> (Eran) writes: >I am sorry but I just can not mail ResEdit to anyone anymore. I got >a message from someone at apple saying that Resedit is still >copyrighted and it is not legal for me to mail it. > >Sorry, >Eran Not directed at you, Eran, but that's about the most idiotic thing I've ever heard of. Was this person speaking on the authority of Apple or just blowing his/her own mouth off? ResEdit is available on CompuServe for anyone and his brother to download. It's not like it costs anyone anything other than online time. I've never met anyone who actually _paid_ for ResEdit. So who gives a damn if we pass it around via mail? If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. Here is official notice from me: I will mail ResEdit to anyone who needs it. If some corporate pinhead at Apple wants to sic lawyers on me for distributing something that every Mac programmer and half the users have been passing around freely for years, then I feel very sorry for them. Violating a copyright that is putting food out of someone's mouth is one thing, but the situation with ResEdit is something else. If Apple really wants to enforce that copyright, they should stop posting it on Compuserve, establish a retail price for it (or perhaps there is one through APDA or something -- they surely haven't publicized it to the rest of the world), and make sure dealers have it in stock. Of course, the very existence of ResEdit makes it harder for third party Resource Editors like Resourceror to gain a foothold in the market -- it is comparable to the effect the bundling of MacPaint and MacWrite had on their competition in the earlier days. Of course, ResEdit is not bundled, but it is cheap or free and readily available, so why spend your money on something that already does an adequate job. Without ResEdit, I'm sure some third party would have come up with a really whiz-band resource editor by now -- one that would let you define the graphical interface for new TMPLs with a hypercard-like, button and text-box construction kit, and who knows what else. Boy I'm sure ramblin' on. Guess I'll quit. Heh, heh, just watch me cave in the first time I get a letter with Apple's legal department stationery on it! > >-- > > |\/\/\/| ____________________________________________ > | | / | > | (o)(o) / Eran Shtiegman | (Brian Aslakson) (11/05/90) (Edwin L King) writes: (re: RedEdit not being freely available) >I've ever heard of. Was this person speaking on the authority of Apple >or just blowing his/her own mouth off? > ResEdit is available on CompuServe for anyone and his brother to >download. It's not like it costs anyone anything other than online >time. I've never met anyone who actually _paid_ for ResEdit. So who >gives a damn if we pass it around via mail? > If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. Check out some fairly recent threads on this group (or was it *.misc?) for some reasonable sounding explanations of why CompuServe has it. >[rambling deleted] >> >>-- >> >> |\/\/\/| ____________________________________________ >> | | / | >> | (o)(o) / I WILL NOT SEE THE GHOST OF ELVIS! | -- Brian Aslakson <-= Macintosh related
sam@uhura.neoucom.EDU (Scott A. Mason) (11/05/90)
In article <> Edwin L King <> writes: >In article <10192@ur-cc.UUCP> (Eran) writes: > ResEdit is available on CompuServe for anyone and his brother to >download. It's not like it costs anyone anything other than online >time. I've never met anyone who actually _paid_ for ResEdit. So who >gives a damn if we pass it around via mail? Yes, it is available on CompuServe only because of a license agreement between Apple and CompuServe. A license *IS* required to distribute ResEdit (or any other copyrighted Apple System Software) > Violating a copyright that is putting food out of someone's mouth is >one thing, but the situation with ResEdit is something else. If Apple >really wants to enforce that copyright, they should stop posting it on >Compuserve, establish a retail price for it (or perhaps there is one >through APDA or something -- they surely haven't publicized it to the >rest of the world), and make sure dealers have it in stock. That's a fairly short-sighted statement. ResEdit is currently free, and if we all play by Apple's rules, it'll probably stay that way. Apple spends much money and resources to give developers an environment to write good software and I applaude them for doing so at their expense. I respect Apple's right to copyright both their code and the distribution of their code. You should too! -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," and certainly don't blame me. UUCP: {pitt,lll-winken,usenet,aablue}!neoucom!sam INTERNET: sam@neoucom.EDU Scott A. Mason, Coordinator of Systems Operations, NEOUCOM (Russell S. Finn) (11/06/90)
In article <> Edwin L King <> writes: > ResEdit is available on CompuServe for anyone and his brother to >download. ResEdit is available from CompuServe, GEnie, and certain BBS's because they have signed licenses from Apple permitting them to distibute system software (including ResEdit). These are similar to the licenses users groups must sign. *That* is why they can distribute ResEdit -- it isn't like someone just uploaded it to CompuServe. It is interesting to note that BIX does *not* distribute this software, because the higher-ups at McGraw-Hill object to some clause in the licensing agreement and consequently haven't signed it. If someone uploads such software to BIX, it gets deleted. >If Apple >really wants to enforce that copyright, they should stop posting it on >Compuserve, establish a retail price for it (or perhaps there is one >through APDA or something -- they surely haven't publicized it to the >rest of the world), and make sure dealers have it in stock. I don't agree with your reasoning. Virtually all shareware is distributed this way, and remains copyrighted. > Heh, heh, just watch me cave in the first time I get a letter with >Apple's legal department stationery on it! Please let us know when this happens. -- Russell S. Finn rsfinn@{athena,lcs} (Edwin L King) (11/06/90)
Wow. The response to my posting saying I'd send ResEdit to people who needed it has been tremendous. A lot of people want it! The most meaningful responses came from Larry Rosenstein and Walter "the 3 is invisible" Carlip. Both make good points about the need for Apple to observe certain licensing formalities in order to retain copyright for ResEdit. Anyone interested in the exact legalities might want to contact Jordan Mattson (, who is one of the people directly involved with ResEdit. Oh, Larry, pardon me for the tone of the posting. It is always easier to blow off _my_ mouth when I am typing on a computer screen and forgetting that it is a real person that I am referring to. And to those who asked: I'll illstay ebay endingsay esEditRay. The Illuminati are everywhere! ;-) (Edwin L King) (11/07/90)
I'm the person who originally posted complaining about Apple not letting people distribute ResEdit freely to each other. I must admit that after listening to what some people had to say that there are good reasons to abide by the restrictions. It does seem silly to restrict access to a free program, but it is neessary for Apple to do that to retain its copyright. I am not interested in seeing Apple lose it's copyright. I am also not interesting in getting into any hot water myself about it. As Nathan Hale once said, "I have only one *, and this issue ain't worth it." Well, that's not really what he said, but .... :-) Apple has done us a service by providing ResEdit. It would definitely be more expensive for all of us if it were gone. I can't conjecture at the other ramifications. So, we should be careful how we use that service. I don't think Apple is the "bad guy," and I doubt that they are out to get people who casually give a copy to a friend, but they must retain control of major distribution points in order to maintain their legal claim. As a plug: Compuserve is kind of expensive for some people, but you are only charged for the time you use. If you want to be able to download ResEdit, it is possible for you to subscribe to Compuserve and download what you need at a bargain cost considering the worth of the product, and resist the temptation to squander all your money roaming around Compuserve's forums. As a plug for Resedit 2.0b2: It is really nice from what I've seen, though I haven't had the opportunity to use it much in the few days since I downloaded it. It has a new, less restrictive interface. I haven't really checked out all the different tools and templates, but I am pleased by what little I've seen. As I said above, what it costs you to download it from Compuserve is money well spent. No, Apple's legal department didn't get to me. I'm just not afraid to admit that I was wr... wr... w... uh, I spoke hastily. ;-) Oh, I have it on good authority that the Illuminati are _not_ everywhere. That was wrong. However, the FBI agents _are_ everywhere, and they don't like us.
peirce@outpost.UUCP (Michael Peirce) (11/07/90)
In article <>, (Edwin L King) writes: > > > I'm the person who originally posted complaining about Apple not > letting people distribute ResEdit freely to each other. > I must admit that after listening to what some people had to say > that there are good reasons to abide by the restrictions. > > It does seem silly to restrict access to a free program, but it is > neessary for Apple to do that to retain its copyright. What I don't understand is why Apple does this for their free developer products, but then another part of Apple, Claris, gives away something like Public Folder. It's copyrighted, has plenty of legal disclaimers in it, and they say take this program and pass it around all you want. Not one word about not putting it up on CompuServe of BBS's, etc. Apple can be a strange beast sometimes... -- michael peirce, author of Public Folder and formerly of claris... -- Michael Peirce -- {apple,decwrl}!claris!outpost!peirce -- Peirce Software -- Suite 301, 719 Hibiscus Place -- Macintosh Programming -- San Jose, California 95117 -- and Consulting -- (408) 244-6554 (11/07/90)
Is ResEdit available on It seems like a logical place to store this program. (Edward V. Wright) (11/08/90)
In article <> <> writes: > As a plug for Resedit 2.0b2: It is really nice from what I've seen, >though I haven't had the opportunity to use it much in the few days >since I downloaded it. It has a new, less restrictive interface. I >haven't really checked out all the different tools and templates, but >I am pleased by what little I've seen. > As I said above, what it costs you to download it from Compuserve is >money well spent. But GEnie is a lot cheaper, and I think the sign up is also free. (I subscribe to both, but only use Compuserve on those rare occassions when I can't find what I want on GEnie.) (Schuessler Nikolaus E) (11/08/90)
>That's a fairly short-sighted statement. ResEdit is currently free, and if >we all play by Apple's rules, it'll probably stay that way. Apple spends What!?!!! I have an earlier posting saying it costs $30 from APDA!!!! -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Niko Schuessler "On a two semester mission to engineer where no-one has engineered before.... :-) " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
philip@pescadero.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) (11/08/90)
In article <>, (Schuessler Nikolaus E) writes: |> |> >That's a fairly short-sighted statement. ResEdit is currently free, and if |> >we all play by Apple's rules, it'll probably stay that way. Apple spends |> |> What!?!!! I have an earlier posting saying it costs $30 from APDA!!!! |> No contradiction here. If you want a manual, you pay. Sort of like Apple's policy with system software. Upgrades are free unless you want a new manual set. In fact, with ResEdit 2.0b2, the manual and the disk are also listed separately: $12.95 for the manual and $17 for the disk. (Don't ask me why buying the two separately costs 5c less than buying them together.) -- Philip Machanick (John Macdonald) (11/10/90)
In article <> <> writes: > > I'm the person who originally posted complaining about Apple not >letting people distribute ResEdit freely to each other. > I must admit that after listening to what some people had to say >that there are good reasons to abide by the restrictions. > > It does seem silly to restrict access to a free program, but it is >neessary for Apple to do that to retain its copyright. Except that the same argument applies to every release of the system or Hypercard, and those are available just by taking a blank disk into the closest dealer (for most people at least, some dealers may be stingy) or by FTP from if you're on the net. No purchase from APDA required. No commercial Compuserve (or similar) required. It's available and free. ResEdit has sufficient nuisances built in to its distribution that I've never had a copy that didn't crash fairly often. Sure I've only had fifth hand copies that I wasn't supposed to have been given, and I've never tried too hard to find out what was the correct version for the system release I was running and searching for that release - but I've never had to go to that sort of length to get a working Font/DA mover because Apple distributes it with the system. Every time I see a description of a simple way of getting a useful result using ResEdit, I get mildly annoyed at Apple for not providing it to me as part of the normal system release process. The only justification that I have ever seen for not doing so is that ResEdit does not fit with the "anybody can operate a Mac easily" philosophy - ResEdit provides too much facility for a user to badly confuse himself and his system. (Of course the garbage can provides sufficient mechanism for messing a system up pretty badly, but there are warning dialog boxes to alleviate that.) A far as I am concerned, I would really prefer that ResEdit be provided, with a skull-and-cross-bones icon and a dialog box warning that irreparable damage can occur from using this utility. (Ralph Melton) (11/13/90)
In article <> <> writes: > > As a plug for Resedit 2.0b2: It is really nice from what I've seen, >though I haven't had the opportunity to use it much in the few days >since I downloaded it. It has a new, less restrictive interface. I >haven't really checked out all the different tools and templates, but >I am pleased by what little I've seen. ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a 'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. This disappoints me greatly, because I got to play with an earlier version (2.0d1, I believe; I've since trashed it) and I rejoiced in the menu editor there, which is vastly superior to 1.2's menu template. Has anyone else seen this problem? Has anybody seen this problem and solved it? I don't like having to go back to ResEdit 1.2 every time I need to change a menu. Ralph Melton -- Ralph Melton (David Walton) (11/13/90)
In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU> (Ralph Melton) writes: >ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a >'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. This >disappoints me greatly, because I got to play with an earlier version >(2.0d1, I believe; I've since trashed it) and I rejoiced in the menu >editor there, which is vastly superior to 1.2's menu template. Has >anyone else seen this problem? Has anybody seen this problem and >solved it? I don't like having to go back to ResEdit 1.2 every time >I need to change a menu. The MENU editor in 2.0b2 breaks on Macintosh IIs (the plain II model only, I think; I don't believe it crashes on IIxs, IIcxs, etc. Some folks may correct me on this point). I gathered from either a README or a bug list somewhere that this was in fact a known bug, and that Apple folks were working on fixing it (at least before version 7.0 comes out...;-). In any case, you're not the only one to have seen it: I've had the problem consistently. What model machine are you working on? >Ralph Melton -- David Walton Internet: University of Chicago { Any opinions found herein are mine, not } Computing Organizations { those of my employers (or anybody else). } (Nick Rothwell) (11/13/90)
In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU>, (Ralph Melton) writes: > In article <> <> writes: > ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a > 'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. This > disappoints me greatly, because I got to play with an earlier version > (2.0d1, I believe; I've since trashed it) and I rejoiced in the menu > editor there, which is vastly superior to 1.2's menu template. Has > anyone else seen this problem? Has anybody seen this problem and > solved it? I don't like having to go back to ResEdit 1.2 every time > I need to change a menu. Happened to me as well. Create a NEW folder, copy all your system files into it, trash the old System Folder and bless the new one. That fixed it for me. I haven't the foggiest idea why. -- Nick Rothwell, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh. <Atlantic Ocean>!mcsun!ukc!lfcs!nick ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ "Now remember - and this is most important - you must think in Russian." (James F. Kennedy) (11/14/90)
In article <> (David Walton) writes: >In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU> (Ralph Melton) writes: > >>ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a >>'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. This >> [deleted stuff] >> > >The MENU editor in 2.0b2 breaks on Macintosh IIs (the plain II model >only, I think; I don't believe it crashes on IIxs, IIcxs, etc. Some >folks may correct me on this point). I gathered from either a README >or a bug list somewhere that this was in fact a known bug, and that >Apple folks were working on fixing it (at least before version 7.0 >comes out...;-). In any case, you're not the only one to have seen >it: I've had the problem consistently. What model machine are you >working on? > I'm correcting you:) The MENU editor doesn't seem to work on my //cx or //x and I've tried it on a friend's // and another's //fx. It just doesn't seem to want to work properly....Boy...don't I wish it did;) Perhaps I have a system incompatibility? I've tried running 6.0.4 and 6.0.3 with it...(I really don't like 6.0.5). But wait! the //fx is running 6.0.5. SO it must be ResEdit. My 2 cents worth, James -- James F. Kennedy Finger me if you want me;) Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory - The University of Pennsylvania,
macman@wpi.WPI.EDU (Chris Silverberg) (11/14/90)
In article Ralph Melton writes: >> As a plug for Resedit 2.0b2: It is really nice from what I've seen, >>though I haven't had the opportunity to use it much in the few days >>since I downloaded it. >ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a >'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. This >disappoints me greatly, because I got to play with an earlier version >(2.0d1, I believe; I've since trashed it) and I rejoiced in the menu >editor there, which is vastly superior to 1.2's menu template. Has >anyone else seen this problem? Has anybody seen this problem and >solved it? I don't like having to go back to ResEdit 1.2 every time >I need to change a menu. I also had a LOT of crashing with Resedit 2.0b2. I didn't have my troubles in the MENU editing, just in general. As a side note though, Resedit 2 seems MUCH more stable with System 7.0b1... enough so I don't use 1.2 anymore if I can avoid it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chris Silverberg INTERNET: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Main Street USA 508-832-7725 (sysop) America Online: Silverberg WMUG BBS 508-832-5844 (sysop) "Ask me about TeleFinder... A Macintosh BBS with a Macintosh interface" (Matthew T. Russotto) (11/14/90)
In article <> (James F. Kennedy) writes: > >I'm correcting you:) The MENU editor doesn't seem to work on my //cx >or //x and I've tried it on a friend's // and another's //fx. It just >doesn't seem to want to work properly....Boy...don't I wish it did;) > >Perhaps I have a system incompatibility? I've tried running 6.0.4 and >6.0.3 with it...(I really don't like 6.0.5). But wait! the //fx is >running 6.0.5. SO it must be ResEdit. > The Menu Editor works for me on my II under 6.0.7 and 6.0.5. I suspect some sort of INIT incompatibility. -- Matthew T. Russotto .sig under construction, like the rest of this campus. (David Walton) (11/14/90)
In article <> (Matthew T. Russotto) writes: > >The Menu Editor works for me on my II under 6.0.7 and 6.0.5. I suspect some >sort of INIT incompatibility. I tried using the MENU editor with all sorts of INIT configurations: all my regular INITs (not too many), no INITs, no INITs/cDEVs, no INITs/cDEVs/ rDEVs, and it didn't work in any case. I've noticed this problem with 6.0.4, .5, and .7. Various errors resulted: TRAPV, Coprocessor not installed, Line 1111, and (of course) our friendly Bus Error. This is on a Macintosh II with PMMU. I originally mentioned the possibility that it was a II-class machine problem because the Release Note to 2.0b2 mentioned fixing an address error problem with the MENU editor which happened on the Plus and SE. I suspected at the time that Apple had therefore _not_ fixed the problem on Mac IIs (although this doesn't necessarily follow). In any case, whatever the problem, I doubt that it's due to skanky INITs, cDEVs, or rDEVs wandering around in somebody's System Folder--the complaints I've heard have been too systematic for that. >Matthew T. Russotto -- David Walton Internet: University of Chicago { Any opinions found herein are mine, not } Computing Organizations { those of my employers (or anybody else). } (Chris Muir) (11/15/90)
In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU> ralphm@elaine27.stanford .edu (Ralph Melton) writes: >ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a >'MENU' resource. ResEdit 2.0b3, distributed on the System 7 beta cd (Beta Bang) fixes this problem, along with many others. Until you can get your hand on it you can always "Open Using Template...". This bypasses any custom picker and uses the TMPL for editing a resource. 2.0b3 adds some wonderful things like a new DLOG/DITL editor that lets you select multiple items at once and _ALIGN_ them! (about time). I've been using it for about a week now with no problems so far. -- __________________________________________________________________________ Chris Muir | "There is no language in our | lungs to tell the world just {hplabs,pacbell,ucbvax,apple}!well!cbm | how we feel" - A. Partridge (Matthew T. Russotto) (11/15/90)
In article <> (David Walton) writes: > >In article <> (Matthew T. Russotto) writes: >> >>The Menu Editor works for me on my II under 6.0.7 and 6.0.5. I suspect some >>sort of INIT incompatibility. > >I tried using the MENU editor with all sorts of INIT configurations: >all my regular INITs (not too many), no INITs, no INITs/cDEVs, no >INITs/cDEVs/ rDEVs, and it didn't work in any case. I've noticed this >problem with 6.0.4, .5, and .7. Various errors resulted: TRAPV, >Coprocessor not installed, Line 1111, and (of course) our friendly Bus >Error. This is on a Macintosh II with PMMU. Hmm. My Mac II has no PMMU. I'lll have to rmemeber to try it on a PMMU Mac II.. -- Matthew T. Russotto .sig under construction, like the rest of this campus.
peirce@outpost.UUCP (Michael Peirce) (11/15/90)
In article <>, (Chris Muir) writes: > > In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU> > ralphm@elaine27.stanford .edu (Ralph Melton) writes: > > >ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a ^^^^^ Isn't tha latest 2.1b3. That's what I'm using and I *think* it came of the beta 7.0 CD-ROM (some one borrowed my CD-Player or I'd double check. ResEdit 2.1b3 is way cool!!!!!! But I can't wait for a final version, I've had this version crash a few times. -- michael -- Michael Peirce -- {apple,decwrl}!claris!outpost!peirce -- Peirce Software -- Suite 301, 719 Hibiscus Place -- Macintosh Programming -- San Jose, California 95117 -- and Consulting -- (408) 244-6554 (Matthias Urlichs) (11/17/90)
In comp.sys.mac.system, article <b.AILIZS@outpost.UUCP>,
peirce@outpost.UUCP writes:
< ResEdit 2.1b3 is way cool!!!!!! But I can't wait for a final version,
< I've had this version crash a few times.
You honestly think that ResEdit will ever be finished? ;-)
My current wish list says that I want to have an editor for "ictb" resources.
Now. ;-)
Seriously, the format of that resource type is ... interesting.
Apple should force whoever invented that stuff to write an editor for it.
Matthias Urlichs -- -- /(o\
Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49+721+621127(0700-2330) \o)/
blm@6sceng.UUCP (Brian Matthews) (11/17/90)
In article <b.AILIZS@outpost.UUCP> peirce@outpost.UUCP writes: |Isn't tha latest 2.1b3. | |ResEdit 2.1b3 is way cool!!!!!! Agreed. The new dialog editor is particularly funky. I also like that you can have the windows autosize now too. And when you open the menu resources, it actually draws all of the menus like it does PICTs! But I do have one negative comment - *get rid of those damn zoom rectagles!!*. Or at least make them configurable so I can turn them off. Other than that, great job! -- Brian L. Matthews blm@6sceng.UUCP
jdon@drutx.ATT.COM (BookJD) (11/17/90)
In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU>, (Ralph Melton) writes: > > ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a > 'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. This > disappoints me greatly, because I got to play with an earlier version > (2.0d1, I believe; I've since trashed it) and I rejoiced in the menu > editor there, which is vastly superior to 1.2's menu template. Has > anyone else seen this problem? Has anybody seen this problem and > solved it? I don't like having to go back to ResEdit 1.2 every time > I need to change a menu. > > Ralph Melton > The two ideas I have heard for avoiding crashes with this version are: 1) Allways run in Multifinder (I don't know why). 2) Increase the size of the application RAM for ResEdit by afew hundred K (using the Get Info box - the RAM requirement field in the lower right corner). This seems to eliminate most crashes. J. Don Book | Phone: (303) 538-3001 AT&T Denver Works | Internet: 1200 W. 120th Ave. Dept. 434 | GEnie: J.BOOK (Ender) Westminster, CO 80234 | FAX: (303) 538-2652 "I'm just a disclaimed rookie programmer" - me *NOT* AT&T. (Pandy (A. Holmberg)) (12/03/90)
In article <6698@drutx.ATT.COM> jdon@drutx.ATT.COM (BookJD) writes: >In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU>, (Ralph Melton) writes: >> >> ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a >> 'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. This > >The two ideas I have heard for avoiding crashes with this version >are: > >1) Allways run in Multifinder (I don't know why). >2) Increase the size of the application RAM for ResEdit by afew >hundred K (using the Get Info box - the RAM requirement field in >the lower right corner). > >This seems to eliminate most crashes. I think I have the answer to this problem. The problem seems to be the ResEdit Preferences file in the System Folder. If the ResEdit Prefernces file has been created with another version of ResEdit than the one currently in use, the program gets confused. I have only noticed this problem when editing MENU resources. So what you do is: DELETE THE RESEDIT PREFERENCES FILE BEFORE USING RESEDIT! Of course if you have customized your ResEdit you might want to copy some of your resources in the ResEdit Prefs file first. Pandy -- "I'm dreaming of a white christmas" -- B. Crosby ****************************************************************************** /I I Andreas "Pandy" Holmberg /-I-I Helsinki University of Technology / I I Faculty of Electrical Engineering ****************************************************************************** (Mark Phaedrus) (12/03/90)
In article <1990Dec2.173058.28944@santra.uucp> (Pandy (A. Holmberg)) writes: > DELETE THE RESEDIT PREFERENCES FILE BEFORE USING RESEDIT! >Of course if you have customized your ResEdit you might want to copy some of >your resources in the ResEdit Prefs file first. Bonus points for anyone who figures out how to do this without using ResEdit. :) Sorry, I couldn't resist. -- Internet: (University of Washington, Seattle) The views expressed here are not those of this station or its management. "If you can keep your head while those about you are losing theirs, consider an exciting career as a guillotine operator!" (Francis Stracke) (12/04/90)
In article <> (Mark Phaedrus) writes: >In article <1990Dec2.173058.28944@santra.uucp> (Pandy (A. Holmberg)) writes: > >> DELETE THE RESEDIT PREFERENCES FILE BEFORE USING RESEDIT! > >>Of course if you have customized your ResEdit you might want to copy some of >>your resources in the ResEdit Prefs file first. > > Bonus points for anyone who figures out how to do this without using >ResEdit. :) > Sorry, I couldn't resist. I love it. (Of course, you could write a program to do this-- pretty simple, actually.) Better way: RENAME the old prefs file; then start up ResEdit, and copy the desired pref resources out of there. | Francis Stracke | My opinions are my own. I don't steal them.| | Department of Mathematics |=============================================| | University of Chicago | Until you stalk and overrun, | | | you can't devour anyone. -- Hobbes | (Tom Stiller) (12/11/90)
In article <1990Dec2.173058.28944@santra.uucp> (Pandy (A. Holmberg)) writes: > In article <6698@drutx.ATT.COM> jdon@drutx.ATT.COM (BookJD) writes: > >In article <1990Nov13.030220.25624@portia.Stanford.EDU>, (Ralph Melton) writes: > >> > >> ResEdit 2.0b2 breaks with a bus error every time I attempt to edit a > >> 'MENU' resource. Turning off all inits doesn't help the problem. None of the" Preferences file" fixes worked on my ][cx after the first MENU edit. However, version 2.1 (non-beta) is now available from AppleLink and APDA. It seems to take care of all my problems with ResEdit. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed above are my own and are not necessarily those of the David Sarnoff Research Center or SRI International.
rickf@Apple.COM (Rick Fleischman) (12/12/90)
In article <> (Tom Stiller) writes: >None of the" Preferences file" fixes worked on my ][cx after the first >MENU edit. However, version 2.1 (non-beta) is now available from >AppleLink and APDA. It seems to take care of all my problems with ResEdit. ResEdit v.2.1 is NOT yet available through APDA. At this point, it looks like ResEdit v.2.1 will be available without documentation through APDA in early to mid-January and with documentation in February. ResEdit v.2.1 IS now available through other sources, such as AppleLink. Rick Fleischman Developer Programs/APDA Apple Computer, Inc. e-mail: AppleLink: (Jim Spencer) (01/28/91)
Judy Bailey writes in a message to Rick Emerson JB> Thanks for the advice to use ResEdit as directed. Actually the JB> only reason I got it in the first place was because I am planning JB> to learn C online with AOL and ResEdit was recommended. Other JB> than that I don't have any plans for it. After all the warnings JB> I have received about ResEdit, I will certainly use it very carefully. ResEdit doesn't have to be approached with some kind of awe. Its just that you should work with a copy of your software. The reason for this is that you could change things that might "program." The two main ways you would do that is 1) edit a resource that contains executable code. The solution is not to make any changes to resources which come up in the hexidecimal/ASCII editor rather than a custom editor or template of some kind or 2) changing the identification or name of a resource can break softw are that looks for specific resources. Again, if you don't know what you are doing, don't change the ID's in the Resource Information dialog. On the other hand, normally using the graphical editors for ICONs, DLOGs, DITLs, etc. is a lot of fun and not very dangerous. If you are going to do ANY progamming on the Mac, you will need ResEdit very early. It is by far and away the easiest way to create Windows, Menus, alerts, dialogs, icons, etc. etc. That is why it was recommended for the AOL class. Again, go ahead and play. Its the easiest way to learn. Just be sure that when you start out, when you Save a file, it is a copy of the original. -- Jim Spencer - via The Minnesota Macintosh Users Group UUCP-Fido Gateway UUCP: ...uunet!tcnet!kksys!edgar!mmug!22.510!Jim.Spencer INET: (03/05/91)
This info is probably common knowledge to everyone but me, but the nice thing about dumb questions is that they are easy to answer . . . Is ResEdit shareware, freeware or a commerical product and if it's SW/FW where can I get it . . . Thanks for the info . . . .