[comp.sys.mac.system] Answers to many questions...

v564huce@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Allen Hsu) (03/06/91)

Hey again!
	Before I forget here are some answers to questions posted...

1)  *I need some foreign language things for the Mac*.  I refer all those who
need any sort of foreign language materials to Linguist Software, P.O. Box 580,
Edmonds, Washington, 98020-0580, or call (206) 775-1130.  The carry an immense
amount of stuff for all major languages and a host of weird ones (like IPA and
Heiroglyphics).  I have their MacChinese which works much better than one may
believe.  As for MS Word, well, Linguist Software took great pains too note
that Word does things differently than most program, so they had to include a
special version just for Word.  I have not tested it (I use Chinese with
MacWrite 5.0), but I guess it should work just fine. 

2)  *I want to translate stuff to a Mac*.  Good for you!! ;-)  Well, many
programs do that, but I use MacLink v.4.5 with my NEC Multispeed (see below for
IBM stuff).  I can go by modem, cable, or disk drive.  For disk transfers
though, it's easier to use MacLInk with AFE.  If you put all of the translators
in a folder with AFE, AFE will use them.  It seems to work just fine with
WordPerfect and Works.  Note:  Formatting will get screwed up in a serious way. 
But for me that's not too big a deal as I just redo it on my Mac. Also, with
MacLink, the Mac does the work.  So when you transfer files, it is the Mac that
*takes over* the PC and pulls out what it needs.  The PC will also have to have
the software (supplied on both 5 1/4 and 3.5" disks by DataViz).  Personally,
I've never tried the modem route.

3) *I like my machine better than yours*. Who cares?  I mean really, I have this
other girl who would just love to dump tea in my lap becuase I hate DOS.  But I
still talk to her.  Folks, every machine is very different.  I don't like many
machines for a wide variety of reasons, but no one machine can do it all.  I do
own a DOS laptop because it really is the only game in town as far as tat goes. 
I don't like it, but it gets the job done.  I will also invest in a serious
PC-clone.  Why?  Well, I want to play games, and there are far many more games
out there for the PC (many better too).  I agree that the market will always be
small for the Mac, but another problem I think is the Mac itself.  The need to
support the toolbox can be a real hassle for games.  After all, does anyone
REALLY need to cut and paste in tetris???   I respect Amigas because they  are
excellent values.  My only problem is support.  Being more familiar with IBM
than AmigaDOS, I'll stick to that.  Should that slight any Amiga users, NO of
course not, it was simply an economic decision.

	Now, I have a couple of questions.  For lack of any place to post this,
here goes.  I need some help.  I have a friend at Boston Univ who is on their
UNIX system.  I can't seem to send him mail though.  It seems that all I
can reach from Buffalo is the Vax system.  Is there hope?  Or should I just
give up?
	Part 2, hey, all you QMS-410 owners out there (or QMS employees), how
do you expand the memory in that printer?  I figured that is was just like an
HP IIP, which is after similar to the QMS.  But the someone asked about SIMMs
and I got stumped.

				-Allen Hsu-
				Still cold in Buffalo...