info-terms (04/02/83)
>From UCBVAX.@MIT-MC.@udel-relay.ARPA.speaker.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay Sat Apr 2 00:11:30 1983
Received: by UCBVAX.ARPA (3.332/3.19)
id AA01452; 2 Apr 83 05:23:03 PST (Sat)
To: Ron <FISCHER@RUTGERS>, info-terms@MIT-MC
Cc: marantz@RUTGERS, josh@RUTGERS, hedrick@RUTGERS
Via: UMCP-CS; 1 Apr 83 2:59-EST
I'm working on various aspects of Super-screen's design and
can provide additional details on the box's progress for
anyone interested.
My net address is in the header. You can also contact
John Nelson or Chuck Reiger at...
Scion Corporation
12310 Pinecrest Rd.
Reston Virginia, 22091
(703) 476-6100
- Speaker
info-terms (04/02/83)
>From UCBVAX.@MIT-MC.FISCHER@RUTGERS Sat Apr 2 00:25:50 1983
Received: by UCBVAX.ARPA (3.332/3.19)
id AA02194; 2 Apr 83 06:00:54 PST (Sat)
To: info-terms@MIT-MC
Cc: hedrick@RUTGERS, marantz@RUTGERS, josh@RUTGERS
12310 Pinecrest Rd.
Reston, VA 22091
Attn: Chuck Rieger
Please note, the product hasn't even gone to beta test yet, so all of this info
is "preliminary" at best.
OEM configuration (no pwr supply, no kybd, no case)
4 slot card cage w/ basic three boards $4850
Complete system (w/pwr supply, kybd, case) $7500 to 8200
Beta testing may begin as soon as 3 months. They seem amenable to offers of
test sites.
I spoke to Mr. Rieger this afternoon. He was very helpful and open about
SCION's progress and current state. They are waiting for machine generated
artwork to return (for their PCBs).
Latest design decisions: the voice, sound and clock calender have been moved
off of the main board and onto an as-yet-undesigned fourth board. Means these
features won't be in the basic system. Replacing these components on the main
board is some fast static RAM where is copied inner loop code. Graphics
updating runs about 2x as fast because of this.
Fourth board plans may include an Ether interface.