[fa.info-terms] Qume QVT-103 info needed

@MIT-MC.ARPA:jp%a@LANL.ARPA (10/29/85)

From: jp%a@LANL.ARPA (James Potter)

I am looking for information about upgrading/ modifying a Qume QVT-103.
I am interested in a graphics upgrade similar to the ones made by
Cleveland Codonics for the WYSE and Zenith Z-29 terminals (no they don't
have an upgrade for the Qume, I already called.)

I would also like information on using hardware handshaking (DTR) with the
Qume.  I don't think it is possible as it stands, but I would think that
the proms could be modified, given sufficient information.

I know, it would be easier to get a terminal that does what I want instead
of messing around, but I bought this one cheap at an auction and it's the
best one I've ever had.


Jim Potter  jp@lanl.arpa