[comp.sys.mac.system] Fast reboot, debugging with VM?

philip@pescadero.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) (05/25/91)

Something I've been wondering about for some time is why we
have to put up with increasingly slow restart time. With VM,
I wonder if it would be possible to save a snapshot of system
state and restart from that. I realize that this wouldn't be
totally free. Dirty pages would have to be written to disk
at shutdown time, and paging in at reboot would not be
instantaneous - but surely quicker than waiting for a dozen
extensions to relaunch. There are other potential problems,
like what to do about open files, or if the system is restarted
from a different disk.

Still, it seems an idea worth following up.

Another thought - something for debugging - if a program
crashes, instead of killing it and restarting, save VM, and reboot
to a debugger (which should be running in a stable state, but with
the complete state at the time of crash preserved to examine).

Both these ideas are easier to implement with Apple's model of
saving all of VM, not just the portion that's not in real
Philip Machanick