[comp.sys.mac.system] Suggestions for limiting access to printers on the network...

seiffert@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (05/26/91)

We have a color postscript printer here for a graphics art lab. It is very
expensive to print to this printer. I would like to find a way to keep just
anyone from printing to this printer. In fact we want to have money in hand
before a user prints to this printer. We have several resources at our
disposal, Novell servers, AppleShare servers, Apple print servers, Fastpath
4's,  and etherprints. We have an ethernet network.

The only solution I can think of is to place the printer and a print
workstation on the localtalk side of the fastpath and then set the fastpath
so that it doesn't pass the printer information through to the ethernet

The down side of this is that we still want the workstation connected to
our server to pull down graphics files. (Some of these can be quite large,
on the order of 20MB.) I really don't like the idea of dropping down from
ethertalk to localtalk speeds when accessing files and applications from
the server.

If any of you have any suggestions, please e-mail me. I'll post results to
the net if the interest is there.


Kurt A. Seiffert										       ---> Novell <- seiffert@ucs.indiana.edu
UCS Workstations              ---> Unix <-- seiffert@silver.ucs.indiana.edu
LAN Specialist                ---> VMS <--- seiffert@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
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