(Eran) (10/27/90)
I'm having a bit of a problem. Every once in a while when I am copying applications or something like that I get a dialog asking me to insert the disk Hardisk. This is the name of my internal hard drive which causes me to believe that the finder is kind of confused. I am using 6.05 under multifinder with a whole bunch of inits. Does any one know what is causing this problem? Could it be all the inits? Thanks, Eran Shtiegman email address: (05/26/91)
I ran into a strange bug yesterday. When I logged into either a Novell server of an Appleshare server from my IIci, it would slow down to a crawl. It would handle updates only once every 45 secs or so and then would go busy again. After identifing the problem to logging into a server, I brought out old EtherPeek on another Mac. I saw my machine come up on the network, acquire all its information, ask for APS servers, and login into one. Almost immediately after logging in, it started to AARP for address 0.12! (It had already resolved to 16.12.) As I continued to watch, I could see tickles from the server and the reply from my machine. These were sandwiched in between all the AARP's. Clearly my machine at one level knew it's address. I was initially running phase 1. I switched to phase 2 and saw the same activity. This activity made my machine completely useless while logged in. I have a IIci with System 7.0 installed. I am useing an Asante' ethernet card and their new Sys/7 compatible drivers. I am running in 32-bit mode with VM turned on. I am running MacTCP 1.0.2. I have some various other inits as well but no other "network" inits. I can provide EtherPeek dumps if anyone is interested. Has anybody else seen this type of problem? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////| Kurt A. Seiffert ---> Novell <- UCS Workstations ---> Unix <-- LAN Specialist ---> VMS <--- WCC Office:104.08 ph:855-5746 ---> C <------ 750 N. SR 46 "Rosebud..." I ---> Scheme <- Bloomington, IN 47405 ---> Macintosh!! <<<<<<<<<()>>>>>>>>> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|