[comp.sys.mac.system] Multifinder problems

nudnik@buhub.bradley.edu (Steven Parks) (05/28/91)

I'm running System 6.0.7 with Multifinder 6.0.7 (on a Mac SE, btw)
  and currently, I cannot write questions whenever I type because the question
  mark is a hot key for switching applications!  Does anyone know who to
  fix that...  I'm getting tired of using ellipses...  =)


     __    Steven Parks    1312 W. Main  #104    Peoria, Illinois  61606    USA
 the|  |                  InterNet:  nudnik@buhub.bradley.edu
  _ |  |   __      __    __  __   _  _ "Let's just say I was testing the bounds
 / ||  | /\ \ \  / / /\ |  |/  \ / ||_\  of reality.    was curious to see what
|  ||  ||   \ \||/ /   ||  | \_/|__||  | would happen.  That's all it was: just
 \_||__| \ __\/  \/__ / |__|     \_||_/  curiosity."  -=O=-  Jim Morrison, 1969