[net.bugs] If you read or post BUGS - READ THIS!

rjk (04/08/83)

Dear folks - I, for one, love reading bug reports.  Maybe misery loves
company; maybe it makes me realize that gremlins and trolls are not
haunting *my* daemons alone; I don't know.  BUT PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!


This serves two purposes:  1) Those who are intimate with that code
can help you and   2) those whose code it (possibly) does not affect
won't be spending countless hours trying to reproduce the errors.

Try some of these buzz words:

USG 5.0		Unix Support Group release 5.0 (internal Bell System)
System V	Same thing, only different.
System III	Sort of the same, only older.
BSD 4.1		Berkely UNIX, release 4.1
"Ah dunno, but ah found some damn SCCS thing-a-ma-bob that said some
 fool thing like     `foobar - 2.6'"

Seriously, we'd all like to help where we can, but we have to know
what it is you're talking about.  Let's see more bug reports!  I
especially like the UUCP ones, they're near and dear to all of us.

                                                       Randy King

mark (04/08/83)

Bravo!  By the way, please specify what hardware you have, too.
If you have a bug in the C compiler, it probably matters a lot
whether you're on an 11/70, a VAX, a 3B, a 68000, or what.
(Many other things are very different on the PDP-11 and other
machines.)  If you have a terminal oriented problem (e.g. vi
or curses mess up) the kind of terminal you have and your baud
rate are also of interest.  If you don't know what you have, ask
locally - somebody must know!

If you are unsure what version you have, try
	what /usr/lib/uucp/uucico
(if it's uucico that's causing the problem) and it should tell
you the SCCS string you have.  4.1BSD (NOT BSD 4.1), PWB, System
3, and System V all have the what command.  V7, 32V, and V6 don't.