[comp.sys.mac.system] DiskExpress II and System 7

zaccone@jasper.bucknell.edu (zaccone - 1393) (05/31/91)

I am running System 7 and DiskExpress II 2.07.  I usually let
DiskExpress do its job with my machine unattended because I find the
disk chattering annoying.  Since switching to System 7, I noticed that
the speed of the optimization depends on which application is
currently active (even though nothing is going on).

For example, if the Finder is active the optimization takes at least
twice as long as with System 6.0.7 (I haven't measured it exactly).
However, if a MultiFinder hostile program such as StuffIt Deluxe is
active, the optimization runs much faster.

I've noticed this effect with my screen saver too.  It runs slower
when the Finder is active.  In fact, this is how I figured out how to
speed up my optimizations.  To select the program that I should leave
active, I tried out several and watched how the screen saver

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Rick Zaccone

dplatt@ntg.com (Dave Platt) (06/03/91)

In article <ZACCONE.91May31101235@jasper.bucknell.edu> zaccone@jasper.bucknell.edu (zaccone - 1393) writes:

>For example, if the Finder is active the optimization takes at least
>twice as long as with System 6.0.7 (I haven't measured it exactly).
>However, if a MultiFinder hostile program such as StuffIt Deluxe is
>active, the optimization runs much faster.
>I've noticed this effect with my screen saver too.  It runs slower
>when the Finder is active.

I've seen similar things with my screen-saver (Moire), and with Dan
Tappan's "macdump" network-backup RDEV.  If the Finder is the only thing
running, network backups take about twice as long as if something else
is open.

I noticed this same effect under System 6.0.5 and 6.0.7, when
MultiFinder was active.  If I ran in a single-Finder environment,
backups would run at full speed.

My inference is that these utilities are patching themeselves into
SystemTask or GetNextEvent or some such task, which is called directly
(and very frequently) under 6.0.whatever in the single-process
environment.  In 6.0.whatever under MultiFinder, or under 7.0, these
traps are called indirectly, via WaitNextEvent.  If the Finder is the
only process running, and if it's idle, it apparently calls
WaitNextEvent with a delay-time of somewhere on the order of a second or
so.  This limits the trap-patch tasks to only one time-slice or so per
second, and the machine spends a lot of its sitting idle.

This is one situation in which the background utility would be better
off if it were implemented as a faceless application (i.e. like
Backgrounder) rather than as a trap patch.  When active, it would be
able to yield time-slices via GetNextEvent rather than by exiting to the
original trap-handler, and thus it would become eligible for first-class
timeslice treatment under MultiFinder/ProcessManager.

The workaround I've settled on, when I run "macdump" backups on our
network, is to simply ask everyone to open their Alarm Clock desk
accessory.  With this DA running, the trap-patch utilities get
time-slices at full speed.

Dave Platt                                                VOICE: (415) 813-8917
              Domain: dplatt@ntg.com      UUCP: ...apple!ntg!dplatt
 USNAIL: New Technologies Group Inc. 2468 Embarcardero Way, Palo Alto CA 94303