[comp.sys.mac.system] How much VM in 24-bit mode?

espen@math.uio.no (Espen J. Vestre) (06/07/91)

A lot of people (including myself) have said a lot of unclear things about 
the amount of memory usable in 24-bit mode.  It would have been nice if 
someone could give a clear statement and explanation!

(Just now, my 32-bit dirty IIX (5MB RAM, 13MB VM) has the following 
programs loaded:
 - AAIS Prolog (3000K)
 - Alarm Clock (20K)
 - Eudora (268K)
 - HyperCard (1000K)
 - MacDraw II (2000K)
 - Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp (4000K)
 - NCSA Telnet (544K)
A total of 10832K without Sys.Soft., which takes up 2395K.)

Espen J. Vestre                 
Department of Mathematics
University of Oslo
P.o. Box 1053 Blindern
N-0316 OSLO 3
NORWAY                            espen@math.uio.no