[net.bugs] dd - EBCDIC to ASCII translation error

barryg@sdcrdcf.UUCP (07/22/83)

There is a bug in the EBCDIC to ASCII translation in dd.
I earlier submitted an alternative version of the etoa translation table,
but decided that the user should have a choice of translation tables -
either the one that comes with the standard dd, or the one I built that
is compatible with the IBM TN print train.

conv=ascii selects the standard translation, and
conv=tnascii selects the translation table I built.
The following is the result of running diff, comparing the standard source
(4.1bsd) with my source.  My source will be posted to net.sources.

barry gold

diff /usr/src/cmd/dd.c ~/dd.c > dd.diff

< static char *sccsid = "@(#)dd.c	4.1 (Berkeley) 10/1/80";
> static char *sccsid = "@(#)dd.c       4.1.a (Barry Gold) 7/22/83";
> char    etoatn[] = {
>        /*NUL  SOH  STX  ETX       HT       DEL*/
>  /*00*/	0000,0001,0002,0003,0234,'\t',0206,0177,
> 		      /* VT  FF   CR   SO   SI*/
> 	0227,0215,0216,0013,'\f','\r',0016,0017,
>        /*DLE  DC1  DC2  DC3       NL   BS*/
>  /*10*/	0020,0021,0022,0023,0235,'\n','\b',0207,
>        /* EM  SUB             FS   GS   RS  US*/
> 	0030,0031,0222,0217,0034,0035,0036,0037,
> 				/*LF   ETB ESC*/
>  /*20*/	0200,0201,0202,0203,0204,'\n',0027,0033,
> 				/*ENQ  ACK  BEL*/
> 	0210,0211,0212,0213,0214,0005,0006,0007,
> 		/* SYN 			   EOT*/
>  /*30*/	0220,0221,0026,0223,0224,0225,0226,0004,
> 			  /* DC4  NAK      SUB*/
> 	0230,0231,0232,0233,0024,0025,0236,0032,
>  /*40*/  ' ',0240,0241,0242,0243,0244,0245,0246,
> 		/*cent*/                          /*4a (cent) ==> [ */
> 	0247,0250, '[', '.', '<', '(', '+', '^',
>  /*50*/	 '&',0251,0252,0253,0254,0255,0256,0257,
> 	0260,0261, '!', '$', '*', ')', ';', '~',
>  /*60*/	 '-', '/',0262,0263,0264,0265,0266,0267,
> 	0270,0271, '|', ',', '%', '_', '>', '?',
>  /*70*/	0272,0273,0274,0275,0276,0277,0300,0301,
> 	0302, '`', ':', '#', '@','\'', '=','\"',
>  /*80*/	0303, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
> 	 'h', 'i',0304,0305,0306,0307,0310,0311,
>  /*90*/	0312, 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p',
> 	 'q', 'r',0313,0314,0315,0316,0317,0320,
>  /*A0*/	0321, '~', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x',
> 	 'y', 'z',0322,0324,0325, '[',0326,0327,  /*AD = [*/
>  /*B0*/	0330,0331,0332,0333,0334,0335,0336,0337,
> 	0340,0341,0342,0344,0345, ']',0346,0347,  /*BD = ]*/
>  /*C0*/	 '{', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
> 	 'H', 'I',0350,0351,0352,0353,0354,0355,
>  /*D0*/	 '}', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
> 	 'Q', 'R',0356,0357,0360,0361,0362,0363,
>  /*E0*/	'\\',0237, 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
> 	 'Y', 'Z',0364,0365,0366,0367,0370,0371,
>  /*F0*/	 '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
> 	 '8', '9',0372,0373,0374,0375,0376,0377,
> };
< 	int ebcdic(), ibm(), ascii(), null(), cnull(), term(), block(), unblock();
> 	int ebcdic(), ibm(), ascii(), tnascii(), null(), cnull(), term(),
> 		block(), unblock();
> 			if(match("tnascii")) {
> 				conv = tnascii;
> 				goto cloop;
> 			}
> tnascii(cc)
> {
> 	register c;
> 	c = etoatn[cc] & 0377;
> 	if(cbs == 0) {
> 		cnull(c);
> 		return;
> 	}
> 	if(c == ' ') {
> 		nspace++;
> 		goto out;
> 	}
> 	while(nspace > 0) {
> 		null(' ');
> 		nspace--;
> 	}
> 	cnull(c);
> out:
> 	if(++cbc >= cbs) {
> 		null('\n');
> 		cbc = 0;
> 		nspace = 0;
> 	}
> }