[comp.sys.mac.system] Suitcase 1.2.10 compatibility with System 6.0.5

dsiebert@icaen.uiowa.edu (Doug Siebert) (06/12/91)

OK, I'm stupid.  My original suitcase disk (which I got from a friend who gave
me a bunch of Mac stuff he had when he sold his and upped to a NeXT) kept
giving the old "This disk is not Mac disk, do you want to initialize it?"
dialog so I made a backup of my current copy (1.2.8) on another disk.  I
haven't yet upgraded to System 7.0 yet, because I need to buy a hard drive
first, but I updated my Suitcase to 1.2.10 yesterday because the file came in
at sumex and I figured why not?

Now I know why.  Suitcase 1.2.10 is apparently completely incompatible with
System 6.0.5, at least on my 4M Plus it is.  Right when I'm about to drop into
Multifinder I get a System Error ID = 02 error.  This really bites.  Can anyone
tell me if there's any way to make 1.2.10 work with 6.0.5?  I really need to
know because I can't find my backup of 1.2.8 on any of my disks (the hazards of
a floppy-based system! :) )

Alternatively, if I'm screwed in this aspect could some kind soul smart enough
to not jump the gun on upgrading mail me 1.2.8?  I'll mail my copy of 1.2.10 as
proof that I do in fact have the program...Thanks for any help or ideas anyone
can provide.

| Doug Siebert                | "All opinions expressed herein are obviously  |
|                             |  superior to yours, otherwise you wouldn't    |
| dsiebert@icaen.uiowa.edu    |  need to be reading this, now would you?" :-) |