jackr@dblues.wpd.sgi.com (John "Jack" Repenning) (06/13/91)
Here, let's phrase this as a contest: Who can squeeze their system down the smallest on a IIsi, running 6.0.7, with 16 colors? Contest entries must be received at my email address below, no latter than midnight, June 16, 1991. Late entries will be considered if they include a $250 processing and handling fee (currency or SIMMs accepted)! :-) I have a 2Meg IIsi, and bought an application that claimed to run in that. But surprise! It wants 1800 Kbytes and 16 colors. Well, that only leaves ~200K for the system, and no way can I squeeze my system down below even 500K! I don't even think it's possible, since the display memory counts as part of the "system" on the 'si, and 16 colors worth of display memory is more than 200K. Can you show me I'm wrong? Jack Repenning 9U-530 jackr@wpd.sgi.com Silicon Graphics, Inc. Off:(415) 335-7477 Systems Software Technology Center Fax:(415) 969-2314 P.S. Maybe if I hooked a smaller monitor - the app was originally developed for - gag - DOS/EGA, so it only uses 640x350, or something like that. Are there lower pixel-count monitors available for the Mac? (Not that I'd willingly spend mucho bucks for a smaller monitor in order to cripple my Mac so it was no better than a PC and keep this app happy - I think they owe me my money back!)
norton@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU (Norton Chia) (06/13/91)
jackr@dblues.wpd.sgi.com (John "Jack" Repenning) writes: >I have a 2Meg IIsi, and bought an application that claimed to run in >that. But surprise! It wants 1800 Kbytes and 16 colors. Well, that >only leaves ~200K for the system, and no way can I squeeze my system >down below even 500K! I don't even think it's possible, since the >display memory counts as part of the "system" on the 'si, and 16 >colors worth of display memory is more than 200K. Can you show me I'm >wrong? Well, as for where you went wrong, maybe you should've bought the IIsi now -> ships with 3megs for the same old price as 2. :) -- // Norton Chia || I can be reached via e-mail --> norton@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU / / Micro Support || Yes, this is Australia calling. ////// AppleLink: AUST0240 / / Uni of Sydney || No, I haven't got anything to say but "Thanks", if I forgot //// When I'm talking half way around the world, my employers can't hear me ///