[comp.sys.mac.system] Mac II's Sys 7 Finder losing 8 bit icons

gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (opcode ranger) (06/25/91)

Lately I've noticed that my Mac (running 7) has begun to show the basic Finder
icons (folders, documents, applications) in 16 color (or in my case, grayscale)
rather than 256 color/grayscale.

I'm running a Mac II with the Toby video card with a VRAM upgrade.  The VRAM
seems to be fine, since I can still display 256 grayscales, but the Finder
seems to be choosing to show it's icons in 16 grayscales.

Strange.  Any advice much appreciated!


= gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu * generic disclaimer: * "Good tea.        =
=            		         * all my opinions are *  Nice house."     =
=                                * mine                *  -Worf            =