[comp.sys.mac.misc] Rumor of new Mac Virus

dale@bcm.tmc.edu (Dale A. Samuelsen) (07/18/90)

A friend of mine told me of a new virus, and I wanted to know if 
anyone has heard of it.

There is rumored to be a new virus which attaches itself to PostScript 
code.  Its action is such that it modifys the password in a postscript 
laser printer thus preventing users from printing their documents.  I'd 
like to know the following:

         1.   Has anybody had any experience with this virus.
         2.   Presuming you say "yes" to #1, how does the virus spread - 
              ie. as a trojan horse, in postscript files, in applications,
              in files, etc.
         3.   Should one find this virus on one's system or, worse yet, 
              should one's laser printer be affected, how can one rid ones
              system of the virus.
         4.   Since this virus seems to affect postscript files, is it 
              possible that this virus can spread from Mac to PC to

I'd be grateful for any information you can give me.


Dale A. Samuelsen
Baylor College of Medicine
--Any opinions expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily represent 
those of Baylor College of Medicine.