[comp.sys.mac.misc] Macps on Unix box munging Freehand 2.0 Postscript files.

tonyg@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au (Tony Gedge) (07/19/90)

I'm having trouble printing Postscript dumps from Aldus Freehand 2.0
on a DataProducts LZR1260 connected to a Unix machine.  I am using
macps and the laserprep files generated by prepfix. (Both programs
from info-mac archives)

My problem is that the files DO print, however the ``aspect ratio'' is
wrong.  That is, they are coming out, BUT the output is taller than it
should be - all the graphics are stretched vertically.

Normally I use encapsulated postscript files in my LaTeX documents
(BTW, thanks to all who replied to my previous problem) and they come
out just fine, but I can't do this when the pictures I want to print are
bigger than an A4 page.

I have tried two documents:
	1 - Fits on a single a4 page.
	2 - Consumes 4 x A4 pages and uses the auto-tiling feature.

The results were:
	1 - Output flows off bottom of page. (i.e. it was stretched)
	2 - Only the bottom two pages were output.  Horisontal tiling OK, but
		picture still stretched vertically (i.e. bottom parts of the
		pages that WERE printed flowed off bottom).

Should I be using a different LaserPrep file?  (The document uses the
LaserPrep dictionary version 5.2 (aka AppleDict 68 0))

Thanks in advance... please e-mail responses.

Tony Gedge

| Computer Science Department,        | tonyg@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au       |
| University of Queensland, Australia.| "cc stands for Cryptic Crossword" |