[net.followup] Information concerning our calendar year.

fred@umcp-cs.UUCP (09/16/83)

	From: chrys@alberta.UUCP

	What is the significance behind our 12 months?  Why twelve
	and not, say, four encompassing the four seasons?  Why are
	they named the way they are? . . .

		Chris Helmers ( ...!ubc-vision!alberta!chrys )

Well, you'll notice that the months SEPTember, OCTober, NOVember
and DECember contain the Latin words for seven, eight, nine and
ten. As I understand it, this is left from the original Greek or
Roman calendar which only observed ten months, all of which were
rather boringly named ``first month'', ``second month'', etc. After
the ten months came this rather boring period about sixty days long,
during which nothing interesting ever happened (after all, it's
the middle of winter) an so was not worthy of being divided into
months. Someone eventually decided to do this anyway, an so we got
January and February. After this they started renaming the old
numbered months for gods and rulers, but only got as far as Julius
Caesar and Augustus Caesar.

					Fred Blonder