[comp.sys.mac.misc] Help with Multifinder/DA incompatability?

jfw@cello.mc.duke.edu (John Whitehead) (08/25/90)

Our Macintosh SE works fine under Finder, but under Multifinder *none*
of the desk accessories work.  When you try to select one, it just
gives an error beep and will not start up, no matter what it is (even
control panel, find file, et al.).  But when you restart under Finder,
all work fine.  Does anyone know the cause?

     It is an SE with 4MB ram.  We are running Finder 6.1 and System
6.0.3.  The DAs are access privileges, alarm clock, calculator, chooser,
control panel, expressionist, find file, glass, keycaps, mac*qn, note
pad, puzzle, rpn calc, scrapbook, and word finder.  Cdevs are general,
boomerang, daylight, keyboard, mouse, moire, sound, soundmaster, and
startup device.  I forget our inits, but there's not much if any.
We're connected to Appletalk.  
     P.S.  In getting this list together, I noticed that boomerang
"can not get a needed resource;" perhaps this is related.

Please e-mail to jfw@neuro.duke.edu; I'll post a summary if there's 
interest.  Thanks!

    John Whitehead	               Internet:  jfw@neuro.duke.edu
    Department of Neurobiology                    jfw@well.sf.ca.us
    Duke University Medical Center     Bitnet:    white002@dukemc           
    Durham, North Carolina             

dwal@ellis.uchicago.edu (David Walton) (08/25/90)

In article <21540@duke.cs.duke.edu> jfw@neuro.duke.edu (John Whitehead) writes:
>Our Macintosh SE works fine under Finder, but under Multifinder *none*
>of the desk accessories work.  When you try to select one, it just
>gives an error beep and will not start up, no matter what it is (even
>control panel, find file, et al.).  But when you restart under Finder,
>all work fine.  Does anyone know the cause?

It never rains but it pours (referring to the numerous recent posts
from people with this problem).

The problem is that you don't have the DA Handler application
installed in your System Folder.  Under MultiFinder, DAs launch by
default into an application layer which is managed by this
program--and if the program isn't in the System Folder when you choose
a DA, all you'll get is a beep.  Find the file DA Handler on one of
your System Tools disks (System Tools, or Utilities 1 or 2), and copy
it into your System Folder.  Then pull down DAs to your little heart's
content (err, well, until DA Handler runs out of memory, anyhow...).

The reason the DAs work under Finder is that without MultiFinder, they
are launched in the application heap of the currently active
application.  (You can also do this in MultiFinder by holding down the
option key when you launch a DA.)

>    John Whitehead	               Internet:  jfw@neuro.duke.edu

David Walton            Internet: dwal@midway.uchicago.edu
University of Chicago   {  Any opinions found herein are mine, not  }
Computing Organizations {  those of my employers (or anybody else). }

Chris.Gehlker@p12.f56.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Chris Gehlker) (08/28/90)

> Our Macintosh SE works fine under Finder, but under Multifinder *none*
> of the desk accessories work.

Sounds like you don't have DA Handler in your System Folder.  Also be aware
that under MultiFinder, you should hold down the option key when opening 
DAs.  A dependent DA is one that needs to be in the same heap zone with a 
application.  Examples are spelling checkers, thesari, and the Quoter DA used
to format replies here.


Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!56.12!Chris.Gehlker
Internet: Chris.Gehlker@p12.f56.n114.z1.fidonet.org